The 2019 National Retriever Club Annual Meeting was called to order by NRC President Julie Cole. Pastor James Turnis lead us in a moment of silence for those that we have lost this past year, a prayer for a safe trial and in the Pledge of Allegiance. Next Mayor Doug Hatley took the podium and welcomed everyone to Corning, California.
The 2019 National Retriever Club meeting began with Julie Cole announcing that this year's National would be dedicated to long-time retriever enthusiast Gary Ahlgren. In her dedication speech she stated that Gary originally started in Minnesota then went to college at North Dakota State where he played football. He graduated with a Masters in Social Science. He judged his first trial in 1968. She went on to say how Gary was a tireless worker! He marshaled and was very outspoken! His famous comments are X-rated. (The audience laughed) Gary is a fierce competitor, a double header winner. Julie then spoke how together he and his wife Mary titled over 15 dogs. Gary also judged three National events and went through the chairs twice for the National Retriever Club and once for the National Amateur Retriever Club.
NRC President Julie Cole |
Gary Ahlgren |
Next, Julie introduced the AKC rep in attendance, Russ Reavis.
The introduction of the Board of Directors:
President: Julie Cole
Secretary/Treasurer: David Opseth
Vice President: Ginger Cope
Jeff Talley
Mitch Patterson
Rob Reuter - Field Trial Chairman
Julie invited Secretary/Treasurer David Opseth to the podium to give the roll call and establish a quorum. David also informed us that dues were collected from nearly ALL Clubs. He also stated the Club donations to Workers Party have been generous with 35 clubs to date (please see the list that will be published in Retriever News) as some didn’t make the catalog due to publishing. He then presented the minutes from 2018 meeting that were distributed earlier. There was a motion to approve the minutes that was seconded. The Treasurer’s report was also distributed and stated that the event in Paducah made money. Then a motion to accept the minutes from last year was approved.
Sec'y/Treasurer David Opseth |
There was a proposal to change the fiscal year from December 31st to April 30th of each year. The reason behind this proposal was that they were never able to close out the books in a timely manner with the holidays immediately following the trial.
Paul Sletten from the PRTA came to the podium and stated that the PRTA will be meeting tomorrow night (Saturday, November 9), and that only one land grant came in this year. There are funds available if any club would like to apply.
PRTA President Paul Sletten |
Next, was Purina's presentation of the 2018 National Retriever Club Champion NFC I’m Ur Search Engine painting. Owners Leon and Linda Stepanian and handler Alan Pleasant were presented the painting by Ross Young donated by Purina.
"Google" |
Nominations for 2020 National Board President and Board Members:
Ginger Cope, President
Jeff Talley, Vice President
Mitch Patterson, Director
Rob Reuter, Director
David Opseth, Secretary/ Treasurer
Julie Cole would remain as an ex officio with no vote. There was a motion to close the nominations and to approve the board as presented.
John Caire was then brought up to the podium to announce the 2020 NRC...
The dates for the event are November 7-14, 2020.
The location is Giddings, TX on the Fuller & Parrott's property which is comprised of 685 acres of prime trial grounds. There are 1000 acres of training grounds in the surrounding. In 2009, the Master National was held there and so there are accommodations for this event.
John Caire |
FT Chairman: John Caire
Judges: Atlantic Region: Mark Menzies
Mid Central: Marty Kirby
West: Michael Moore
Wayne Stupka, Alan Madsen and Roger Fuller will be Co-Marshals
Gwen Jones, Corporate Liaison came to the podium where she thanked all the wonderful sponsors …
Our Sponsors this year are...
Avery Sporting Dog
Kent Ammunition
All representatives from the Sponsor organizations were requested to come onto the stage to a standing ovation from an appreciate crowd. They were photographed with the Board of Directors.
Mitch Patterson then came to the podium to honor two Purina representatives that are retiring. Longtime friend and neighbor, Keith Shopp and Dean Reinke were thanked for they have done. Keith would not be able to come to the National, but Dean would be in attendance later in the week and we were all asked to thank him when we saw him. Ray Voigt was introduced as Dean's replacement.
Mitch Patterson |
Ray Voigt |
Rob Reuter then came to the stand where he thanked the set up crew, especially Chris Hatch and Rich Pingatore. He also spoke how the judges have set up nice and demanding tests. He brought the judges up where he presented them with an appreciation gift. The judges for the 2019 NRC are...
Mountain Zone - Cindy Howard
Central Zone - Dr. Bruce Ahlers, DVM
Atlantic Zone - Roy Morejon
Rob Reuter |
Judges Cindy Howard, Bruce Ahlers and Roy Morejon |
Next Rob thanked Julie Cole for her outstanding job as President and presented her with a lovely bronze statue of a Chesapeake.
It was than announced there would be NO SMOKING outside of vehicles due to the dry conditions in the area.
Rob then thanked Steve Kompf for the set up crew and also announced the speed limit on the grounds is 15 MPH. AND - Brad Henman would be handing out tickets.
Gary Zellner - Chief Marshal provided the following instructions:
Gary Zellner |
The First Series is to be a Double and a Blind using rooster pheasants.
The No Bird Policy was announced as follows:
No-Bird – return immediately to the line if the no bird is not the flyer.
First No-Bird – handler will go back six numbers and run the seventh
Second No-Bird – handler will go back six numbers and run the seventh
Third No-Bird the handler will run at the end of the rotation.
The Handler will be on the mat for all marks
The dogs will be on the mat for all blinds.
6:30 am – Test Dog
7:00 am – 1st running dog
Test Dogs were announced...
Marshwinds Man In Black – “Cash,” LM
Owners Bente Kongsore & Janet Pasko/Handler Bente Kongsore
West Coast Jewel – “Jaida,” LF
Owner/Handler Brent McBride
The Caravan will leave at 6:00 am in the back parking lot bu the golf course.
The first running dog was picked by handler Rich Pingatore and FC-AFC Cool Fuel Nitro MH:
#56 FC Chicago Blues Star with handler Ray Voigt.
Rich Pingatore and "Nitro" |

The gun changes would be the same as the rotation for the first series.
The rotation will be: 56 – 81 – 6 – 31
Dog #42 & #30 both scratched due to coming into season.
The meeting adjourned at 3:03 pm. The handlers were requested to go to the bitch check and the committees were to formally meet for their instructions.
See you at the Cocktail Party!