Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Day 4 Is Completed - Recap

The judges have called it a day after dog #99 Pulp finished his test at 4:40 pm.

Dog #94 was in the blind for a rerun, so #94 Maggie with handler Charles Moody will be our first running dog tomorrow. Followed by #96 Tru and Chris Ledford then #2 Floyd with Bart Peterson.

In this last section of dogs that completed their test since the last gun change at 12:13 pm, we had 23 dogs complete their test. We ran for 4 hours 27 minutes which means our time per dog are approximately 11 minutes per dog. In this section we had 7 No Birds and 5 Reruns (including the left over rerun from before the gun change). We also had 5 handles and 1 pick up!

Here is what the day looked like.

We started at 7:09 am with dog #31 starting the fifth series. We had gun changes after dog #46 at 9:44 am and after dog #65 at 12:13 pm. We ended after dog #99 at 4:40 pm. This is a total running time of 9 hours 31 minutes. We had a total of 54 dogs complete their test and it took approximately 10.5 minutes per dog.

No Bird -10
Rerun - 7
Handle - 12
Pick Up - 3

Hope you all enjoy your evening at the Workers' party...you all deserve it!

Remember tomorrow we are back here at the 5th Series test site with the test dog at 6:30 am and the first running dog #94 at 7:00 am. We will complete the 3 Reruns and 24 dogs that will see this test for the first time tomorrow!

Handle - 99. FC AFC BRUSHY CREEK'S JUICY JUICE, "Pulp" LM, Danny Farmer

Owners: Yvonne & Charlie Hays
Breeder: Howard Niemi 

Came to the line at 4:32 pm

Right Flyer - Very nice mark

Right Middle - Pulp went out wide right towards the right side of the blind. He took one loop right then crossed tot he left side and went out for his bird.

Left Flyer - A good line towards the bird, then Pulp went right to the holding blind. He extended his hunt further left and back to the blind where he got his short flyer.

Left Middle - He went to far past the bird and was getting into the middle right area. He was handled back to the middle left.

Update - Running Out Of Order

Due to an earlier no bird issue which has caused a spacing issue for handler Danny Farmer, we are expecting "Pulp" to be running shortly.

101. FC AFC SEASIDE'S GORGEOUS GEORGE, "Clooney" LM, Ryan Brasseaux

Owners: Frank Jones & Michael Robicheaux
Breeders: Rita Jones

Came to the line at 4:22 pm.

Right Flyer - Extended hunt in the area for his flyer.

Left Middle - A good line to the mark, with a tight hunt followed by Clooney digging out his bird.

Left Flyer - Very nice mark on the flyer

Right Middle - A good line 3/4 of the way out then he faded right. Clooney had a hunt deep and right that put him in a position to find his bird.

Handle - 98. FC AFC JET BLACK'S SUPERSONIC BOOM, "Sonic" LM, Ray Voigt

Owners: James & Judy Powers
Breeder: Ronald Steinke 

Came to the line at 4:13 pm

Right Flyer - Sonic came in to the right of the bird and missed it. A few turns and he got it.

Left Flyer - He went on an excellent line and came in just to the right. he turned right, away from the bird. We thought he had it but the hunt continued with several loops left and right until he did have it!

Left Middle - Perfect Mark

Right Middle - Nice line up the middle and to the left into the cover, but he missed the bird. He came out wide left then went up the hill. Sonic had to be handled back down the hill and right to the bird.

No Bird - 96. FC AFC YOURS TRULY INDIGO, "Tru" LF, Chris Ledford

No bird due to a double shot on a gun station at 4:10 pm. Tru will go back and have a rerun.


Owners: Charles & Diane Kiehn
Breeder: Ronald Kiehn

Came to the line at 4:01 pm

Right Flyer - Hannah came into the area just to the left. She made three tight turns and got her bird.

Left Middle - She went up the right side of the hill then made a hard left and went into the cover to come out with her bird.

Left Flyer - Hannah had a good line about half way up, then she turned to the right enough to come in behind the blind. She came back out to the left and got her bird.

Right Middle - Great line out to the blind, Hannah turned left and went straight to her bird.

Rerun - 89. FC VINWOOD'S MILLION DOLLAR BABY, "Babe" LF, Danny Farmer

Owners: Dewitt & Susan Boice
Breeder: Carole Robison 

Came to the line at 3:55 pm

Right Flyer - A couple of little loops and Babe got her bird isolated.

Left Middle - Babe went up the right side of the swale, she pulled left a little beyond the holding blind then turned left to cut over to the cover and dug out her left retired bird.

Left Flyer - Almost to the gunners holding blind and Babe pulled right to establish a hunt deep and right. Her pattern expand to take her to the flyer.

Right Middle - Her line took her wide right and deep before making and abrupt change in dircetions to come back in and grab her bird.

93. FC AFC BARTON CREEK'S TEXAS TRIPP, "Tripp" LM, Greg Bartlett

Owners: Loren & Carol Morehouse
Breeder: Mike Haring

Came to the line at 3:42 pm

Right Flyer - Right to the bird.

Left Middle - Very nice line up the corridor and to the bird.

Right Middle - Tripp's line to the mark carried him wide right behind the holding blind. He took a left turn and he got into the area for his bird.

Left Flyer - Out to he area, Tripp made a quick left turn and he was on his bird.

No Bird - 94. FC NORTH DAKOTA'S PRAIRIE MAGIC, "Maggie" LF, Charlie Moody

Maggie had a no bird at 3:49 pm and will have a rerun.

Handle - 92. FC TOP GUN OAKLEY'S INZAYNITY QAA, "Zayne" LM, Dave Rorem

Owners: John & Rhonda Haight
Breeder: Jason Heffelmeier

Came to the line at 3:32 pm

Right Flyer - Smack! Straight to the bird.

Right Middle - Zayne went wide left hunting behind the left middle bird on the outside. He worked it out and got the bird.

Left Middle - He came wide right up the hill and turned back in to the left middle and was handled to the left middle bird.

Left Flyer - A good line initially but faded right and ended up in the area behind and right of the gunners. Zayne established a significant hunt to come up with the bird.

Rerun - 85. FC AFC RAFT CREEK ROAD GRADER, "Willie" LM, Scott Harp

Owner: Jim Byrd
Breeder: John Gianladis

Came to the line at 3:22 pm.

Right Flyer - Very Good Mark

Left Middle - Nice line to the area. Willie had a very tight look for the bird and staying in the cover he came out to deliver the bird to Scott.

Left Flyer - The line took Willie to the holding blind where he did a loop around and then he drove back to start a hunt pattern deep and right of the bird. Eventually he worked out the terrain vs wind to get in on the bird.

Right Middle - His line took him along the right side of the holding blind. He went deep and right when he started a significant hunt pattern. It would expand left to include the area of the fall where he got his bird.


Owners: Casey Adams, Andrew & Shirley Kahn
Breeders: Brandon  & Dawni Bromley
Sibling with #80 AFC Short Stack- Double or Nothin' "Shorty" and her Get is #39 FC AFC Kirkwood's Ace Of A Higher Grade "Deacon"

Lexie came to the line at 3:13 pm

Right Flyer - Straight to the bird.

Left Middle - She got into the area and the cover for a tight hunt and she got her bird.

Right Middle - Lexie went up the hill wide right getting deep of the holding blind. She took several big loops deep right of the blind then moved left and worked it out.

Left Flyer - A good line out to the holding blind, Lexie quickly worked her way out to the left and her bird.


The Chief Marshal has just announced all dogs greater than 12 are excused.

90. FC HIGH DESERT MORNING, "Glory" LF, Trey Lawrence

Owner: Ed Neilson & Adam Casto
Breeder: Ed & Laurie Neilson 

Came to the line at 3:03 pm

Right Flyer - Straight to the bird.

Left Middle - A good line along the right of the corridor to the birds. Glory pulled hard left adn worked out her left middle bird.

Right Middle - She moved to the right to get a different line. She went out the backside of the gunner. Glory set up a significant hunt pattern deep and wide right. Her pattern eventually brings her into the bird.

Left Flyer - The line takes her right of the gun station and deep right. She works her way into the bird by quartering and using her nose.

No Bird - 89. FC VINWOOD'S MILLION DOLLAR BABY, "Babe" LF, Danny Farmer

Babe had a no bird at 3:01 pm. She will have rerun later.

87. FC AFC BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND, "Petey" LM, Alan Pleasant

Owner: Anne Marshall
Breeder: Doug Turner 

Came to the line at 2:52 pm.

Right Flyer - Made a circle right of the bird but quickly went back for it.

Left Middle - He went up a little wide right but quickly  back in to the cover and hunted it up.

Right Middle - Went out through the left middle fall and kept going. He went out of sight in the cover, but came out and got to the far right middle bird.

Left Flyer - The line was hard right up to the holding blind and turned left and went out to the rooster.

2019 NRC Chairman Rob Reuter

2019 NRC Chairman Rob Reuter talks about how the National is going in general and the Fifth Series in particular.


Don't forget...
Workers' Party Tonight!!

When: Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Time: 6:00 pm
Where: At Rolling Hills Casino in the Carlino's Ballroom


86. FC MIDWAY'S AVENTADOR, "Jenny" LF, Tim Milligan

Owners: Woody Woodson, Ron Root, Mike Whorton, Mike Westfall
Breeder: James Saar 

Came to the line at 2:36 pm

Right Flyer: A couple of tight loops and Jenny had her bird.

Left Flyer - Jenny went up through the arc of the bird and put a tight hunt deep and right before moving forwards to her bird.

Left Middle - She went up the corridor to her bird and came back with it.

Right Middle - Numerous loops deep and right of the holding blind, Jenny extend her hunt to move her into the bird.

Rerun - 74. FC CFC CAFC SWEETWATER TEN DEUCE ALL IN, "Doyle" LM, Ryan Brasseaux

Owner: Howard Simson & Lise Langlois
Breeder: Ray Smith 

Came to the line at 2:25 pm

Right Flyer - Very Long Bird with four shots - Two loops and he got it.

Left Middle - Doyle went up the middle of the field and went left into the fall area and got his bird.

Left Flyer - Going up the right side of the blind, Doyle cut on left on the far side and hunted the back side. He worked his way left and right, then extended his hunt until he got his bird.

Right Middle - Getting wide right going out, he hunted one loop by the blind then went out to the left. He got way deep but came back in to the cover and with a heavy hunt he worked it out and got his bird.

A View from the Top!

Dave Rorem sent us these great pictures of the Fifth Series test location from his vantage point …
on top of his truck!

No Bird - 85. FC AFC RAFT CREEK ROAD GRADER, "Willie" LM, Scott Harp

Willie and Scott came to the line at 2:23 pm and received a no bird. They will go back 6 spots and run in the 7th.


Owner: Cindie Little
Breeder: Howard Niemi 

 Came to the line at 2:16 pm.

Right Flyer - Well Done

Left Middle - A little tumble in route but it did not deter her path. She got to the cover and came back out with her bird.

Left Flyer - Bounce had a nice line to the area. She made a couple of very fast loops and she had her bird.

Right Middle - A little loop deep and right of the holding blind and Bounce got her bird.


Owners: Lydia Fekula & Jeff Schuett
Breeders: Tim & Tami Thompson
     Side Note: Oldest competing dog; Whelped 11/27/2008

Came to the line at 2:04 pm.

Right Flyer - Nice line to his bird.

Left Flyer - Rocky got out wide right heading to the top of the far hill, which is way wide of the rooster. He came back down and went across the holding blind then left and out to his bird.

Right middle - Going wide left of the mark and getting deep and angled to the right, Rocky hunted back to the blind and then to his bird.

Left middle - Nice line to fall area into the cover and missed it, another loop around far end then back to blind and found it.

80. AFC SHORT STACK - DOUBLE OR NOTHIN', "Shorty" LM, Delma Hazzard

Owners: Chip McEwen & Delma Hazzard
Breeders: Brandon & Dawni Bromley
Full sibling with #91 NAFC FC Kirkwood's Ace Of Lone Star

Came to the line at 1:56 pm.

Right Flyer - Very Good Mark

Left Middle - Shorty's initial line took him 3/4 the way out before he pulled a hard right. His hunt pattern put him back through the area of the fall where he worked out his bird.

Left Flyer - Shorty arrived in the area under the arc of the flyer. He quickly turned into the scent that came off the bird and worked it out.

Right Middle - He had a nice line to the mark. He took a little peak at the holding blind as he went past to get his bird.

Pick Up - 79. FC AFC WOOD RIVER'S MR BIG, "George" LM, John Henninger

Owners: Bill & Gay Fruehling
Breeders: Michael & Kareen Tierney
Littermate with #2 FC AFC Which One's Pink "Floyd" and full sibling with #52 FC Horsetooth's Penalty Shot "Deke"

Came to the line at 1:50 pm.

Right Flyer - George missed the bird on his initial pass, he made a brief loop and got it.

Left Flyer - He carried this line to the blind, but then veered left and right then he got way deep heading back to the middle bird. He went into the cover where the handler could not see and got the middle right; a switch and the handle picked up.


Owners: Johnny & Kathy Armstrong & Jane McCullough
Breeders: Wendy Buckler,  Newt & Karen Cropper 

Came to the line at 1:40 pm.

Right Flyer - Flex scooped up his bird.

Left Middle - A little tumble on the way out, but it did not diminish his mark. He continued on and went into the cover and came out with his bird.

Right Middle - The line took him right of the holding blind and out in the field. Flex quickly adjusted his line into the cover and came back out with the bird.

Left Flyer - Running a straight line from the mat, Flex arrived to the area deep and left of the bird. He made a couple of large loops and he was on his bird. 

No Bird - 74. FC CFC CAFC SWEETWATER TEN DEUCE ALL IN, "Doyle" LM, Ryan Brasseaux

Doyle came to the line at 1:39 pm and received a no bird. This team will be placed back 6 spots and have their rerun in the 7th spot back.

Handle - 73. FC VROMAN'S IN THE FILMORE, "Reggie Hammond" LM, Dave Smith

Owner: Wade Thurman
Breeders: Kara & David McMahan 

Came to the line at 1:30 pm

Right Flyer - Smack! - Straight to it

Right Middle - Hammond went up the right side of the line and out into the cover towards the bird. He got deep left but worked his way back to the bird.

Left Middle - He went up the left side of the gunners and kept going very deep of the mark. Going way right of the rooster, getting to the top of the hill, Hammond had to be handled back down to his bird.

Left Flyer - Nice line - straight to his bird.

72. FC RMR EBONSTARS MAGIC SH, "Emmy" LF, Clint Avant

Owner: Frank Higgins
Breeders: Martin Dauphin & Lesa Cozen

Came to the line at 1:20 pm

Right Flyer - Very Good

Left Middle - Emmy had a brief hunt and came back with her bird.

Left Flyer - She went out past the holding blind and had a hunt a little deep and wide right. She shifted the hunt to work back towards the flyer and retrieved it.

Right Middle - Emmy's line took her wide right and to the right of the holding blind. When she got into the area she turned into the cover and pulled out her bird.

Fun Fact - Owners with 2+ Dogs Entered In This Competition

We all know the honor of having one dog to get qualified and entered for the NRC Championship, but the following owners have two or more dogs ENTERED in this year's NRC Championship!

Congratulations to you all!

Casey Adams – 2 (co-own 1)
Johnny & Kathy Armstrong – 2 (co-own 1)
Don & Kathy Fregelette – 3
Alvin Hatcher – 2 
Yvonne & Charlie Hays – 3
Andy & Shirley Kahn – 2 (co-own 1)
Kerry Lavin – 2 (co-own 1)
Mark & Suzanne Medford – 2
Tim Mueller - 2
Judy & Jim Powers – 2 (co-own 1)
Michael Robicheaux - 2 (co-own 1)
Jeffrey Schuett & Lydia Fekula – 2
Leon Stepanian – 2
Kathleen Vignos-Folsom – 2
Jamie & Bill Woodson – 2 (co-own 1)


Owner: Chris Smith
Breeders: Ron & Deborah Wehner

Came to the line at 1:09 am.

Right Flyer - Buddy a bit of a hunt but got his bird.

Left Flyer - He went out under the arc and turned back right then a quickly to the left to go out to his rooster.

Left Middle - Buddy went up the middle of the field, then turned left to go back towards the bird but missed it. He got out wide right for a hunt then wide left and got his bird.

Right Middle - He had a good line that carried him into the right of the blind. He cut over behind it then went left to his bird.

No Bird - 71. FC AFC DUCK BUSTER'S RED BARRON, "Buster" LM, Paul Sletten

Buster came to the line at 1:04 pm. Paul sent Buster then the judges asked him to pick up the dog. Buster will have a rerun at the end.

Right Flyer was a short flyer.

70. FC AFC INDIGO HELLO DOLLY, "Dolly" LF, Edward Forry

Owners: Doug Cybula & Jenny Grasse
Breeder: Darlene Houlihan
Littermate with #96 FC AFC Yours Truly Indigo "Tru"

Came to the line with 12:54 pm

Right Flyer - Dolly hunted wide right before she worked her way back in towards the bird.

Left Middle - She went out close behind the flyer guns before she curved left, close to the fall area of the right middle and came back in to hunt the shorter left middle bird. She worked the cover and got it.

Left Flyer - Dolly drove out under the arc between the blind and the bird, getting close to the blind. She turned and quickly worked her way left to get her rooster.

Right Middle - A good line down the right side, Dolly moved left staying in front of the blind. She went to the mound and then had her bird.

Thank You Sponsors!

Every National we hold this blog for everybody around the world to be able to know what is happening at the events. We would not be able to have this blog if it wasn't for these great sponsors! Please thank them when ever you see them, if at this National or a weekend trial!
Our 2019 NRC Generous Blog Sponsors

Our OFFICIAL Blog Sponsors:
Our Additional Blog Sponsors:


Owners: Judy & James Powers
Breeders: Joe & Anne Anderson 

Came to the line at 12:43 pm.

Right Flyer - A quick recovery of the bird.

Left Flyer - Ryder had a good line to the field and had a little hunt deep but he worked back to get his bird.

Left Middle - He went up the back side of the holding blind to work the left and after a hunt he worked out his bird.

Right Middle - Ryder went down the middle of the field, he pushed off the left retired and drove beyond his mark. He set up a hunt deep and to the right but needed to be handled to the bird.

68. FC AFC BEDAZZLED II, "Be" LF, Danny Farmer

Owners: Yvonne & Charlie Hays
Breeder: Gregory Cross
Littermate with #35 FC Gemstone's Skyy Blue "Skyy"

Came to the line at 12:34 pm

Right Flyer - Be kicked up dust as she scooped up her bird.

Left Flyer - She went out to the right of the blind and circled it. She expanded her hunt pattern a bit wider to the left with each circle and got the bird.

Left Middle - She went up the right side of the field, then turned left and moved over into the cover and got her bird.

Right Middle - Getting very wide right going out, Be curved her way back to the left towards the blind. She had a tight hunt in the area to get her bird.

2nd Rerun - 52. FC HORSETOOTH'S PENALTY SHOT, "Deke" LM, Kenny Trott

Owners: Don & Kathy Fregelette
Breeders: Michael & Kareen Tierney
Full Siblings with:#2 FC AFC Which One's Pink "Floyd" & #79 FC AFC Wood River's Mr Big "George"

Came to the line at 12:26 pm

Right Flyer - Very Good!

Left Middle - Deke had a nice line directly to the area of the fall. He jumped into the cover and got his bird.

Right Middle - Arrived in the area, Deke brushed right of the holding blind. He made the correction and bent into the cover grabbing his bird.

Left Flyer - He got his laser on today! Nice line to the area, with a loop just beyond the holding blind, Deke went over to snatch up his bird.


Owner: Alvin Hatcher
Breeder: Diana Burson

Came to the line at 12:17 pm.

Right Flyer - Chase drove out to the area made on loop and missed it but came back and got it.

Left Middle - He drove the right side then took a hard left to the cover where he got his bird.

Right Middle - Going wide right out and around the blind, Chase turned right for a deep wide loop. He worked his way back to the left and got the bird.

Left Flyer - He ran a good line towards the holding blind, went under the arc and out to the left for his bird.


Buddy came up to the line after the gun change at 12:13 pm and received a No Bird. He will go back 6 spots and run in the 7th.

***Gun Change*** - 5th Series - #2

We are at our second gun change of the day at 12:07 pm.

Dog #48 started with the new gunners at 9:53 am. We ran 16 dogs complete this test (#65 being the last one) in approximately two hours and forty-six minutes. The dogs seem to be completing the test a bit faster at approximately 10 minutes per dog.

With this batch of gunners and out of the 16 dogs we have had 2 No Birds (both on the same dog and still needs to have a completed rerun), 2 handles and 2 pick ups.

We will be starting back with dog # 66 Buddy with handler Dave Rorem.

Now for something fun. I googled "Field Trial Gunners Image" and this is what popped up. Can anybody name all the gunners from 2017 NARC?


65. FC CARL WITH A K, "Karl" LM, Rick Stawski

Owner: Shawn Stahl
Breeder: John Stracka 

Came to the line at 11:58 am

Right Flyer - Very good

Left Middle - Karl went into the area under the arc and with a quick loop left and one right he had his bird located.

Right Middle - His line had him arriving right of the holding blind. He did a quick couple of loops with a hunt before moving over to get his bird.

Left Flyer - Running out to just right of the holding blind, Karl set up a pattern to the right with some loops that begin to move him to the left. He then drove up the hill a bit far for another couple of loops, came back to the holding blind area and worked out his bird.

Handle - 62. FC TRULINE'S JUST FLOYD, "Floyd" LM, Amie Henninger

Owners: John & Amie Henninger
Breeders: Carol & John Sealock
Floyd is the youngest running dog. Whelp 6/29/2017

Came to the line at 11:49 am

Right Flyer - Great line to the bird.

Left Middle - Floyd came in under the arc and missed the bird. He went wide right and came back in to get it.

Left Flyer - He took the line by the left gun heading deep. He got out to the rooster flyer on the left side and got it.

Right Middle - He drove up the hill and broke down behind the right flyer station. Floyd then stopped and was handled to the bird.

61. FC TANKS FOR THE MEMORIES II, "Hope" LF, Greg Bartlett

Owners: Joseph & Marilee Benage
Breeder: David Aul 

Came to the line at 11:39 am.

Right Flyer - Hope just missed the bird but she made a quick turn and had it.

Right Middle - Hope worked deep and right of the mark but moved her hunt pattern to grab her bird.

Left Middle - A good line to the mark. Hope had a quick loop just short of the mark but she dug into the cover and got her bird.

Left Flyer - Getting through the arc of the fall she set up a hunt behind the holding blind of the far gunners. Going back and forth she worked from the gunners and to the left until the pattern included her bird.

60. FC TIGER MTN'S BETTIN' ON BLACK, "Gamble" LM, Mike Taylor

Owner & Breeder: Choral Greer
Littermate with #7 FC Tiger Mtn's Pale Rider "Ghost"

Came to the line at 11:30 am.

Right Flyer - Gamble had some tight quick turns to get his bird.

Left Middle - He went straight up to the fall area then went to get his bird.

Left Flyer - Gamble went straight up towards the fall area. He looped left then went back right of the blind for some turns to come back out wide left. He worked it out and got his bird.

Right Middle - Going out wide right he arrived right of the blind and continued to get deep and wide right. He came back to the left and got his bird.

No Bird (2nd) - Rerun - 52. FC HORSETOOTH'S PENALTY SHOT, "Deke" LM, Kenny Trott

Deke was back up to the line at 11:28 am for his rerun. However, he received another no bird, so again he will go back 6 spots and have the 2nd rerun in the 7th spot back.

58. FC TRULUCK'S GOIN' JESSIE, "Jessie" LF, Danny Farmer

Owner: Michael Kammerer
Breeders: Carole Robinson & Mac McIntosh
Full sibling with #8 FC AFC Trumarc's Mavis "Mavis" & *#89 FC Vinwood's Million Dollar Baby "Babe"

Came to the line at 11:17 am

Right Flyer - Jessie took a couple of loops but came up with her long flyer.

Left Middle - Danny gets Jessie locked in on the mark and launches her. She got it in good form.

Right Middle - She arrived in the field to the right of the holding blind. she made a couple of loops right and then she worked her way over to zero in on her bird.

Left Flyer - Jessie's line carried her deep and behind the gunners. Her hunt pattern drifted back down the hill to the center around the holding blind until she took a loop that included her bird.

5th Series - Conditions Update

We have had a shift in the wind direction. It is now coming in from the north and is blowing left to right across the test site. It appears the dogs are using this to their advantage.

Our current temperature is at 69 degrees and the wind is coming in at 4 mph.

If we notice any more changes through out the day we will let you know!

Pick Up - 57. FC AFC CONTRAILS SKY QUEEN, "Reina" LF, David Opseth

Owner: David Opseth
Breeder: Steve Bireley

Came to the line at 11:10 am

Right Flyer - Reina grabbed this flyer on a dead run!

Right Middle - She went up the right side under the arc and went around the mound. One more loop and she got her bird.

Left Middle - Excellent line going under the arc. Reina went left then wide right and a bit deep. She continued to get deep right and was handled back but then excused for a pick up.

56. FC CHICAGO BLUES STAR, "Scrapper" LM, Ray Voigt

Owner: Kathleen Vignos-Folsom
Breeder: Alex Abraham 

Came to the line at 11:02 am

Right Flyer - Scrapper made a quick recovery of this bird.

Left Middle - A shifting path to the bird, Scrapper made a couple of the loops right and a couple loops left before he went in to the bird.

Left Flyer - Out to his bird.

Right Middle - Running out right of the holding blind, Scrapper bent left and rolled into the area of the fall where he worked out the bird.

Fifth Series Recap – "The Field Trial Starts Today"

Things have taken a turn for the tougher this morning with a land quad and the judges are firmly in control. After 20 dogs have run there have been 6 handles and a pick up - meaning a third of the dogs have been thus affected. The test features a very tight pair of converging retired birds in the center, flanked by a diverging flyer either side with both flyers shot away from the test. All birds are pheasants.

The long retired flyer on the left, a memory bird which is often picked up last, has caused 3 of the handles. To recover this bird the dogs need to carry a line into the field away from the other three birds, which occupy their various positions all on the right. Heading for the retired flyer, the dogs must resist the suction that curves them back towards the center with its tight converging pair. Although the retired flyer, at 230 yards, is the second longest bird in the test, the dogs are showing us that the field is a lot longer than 230 yards, and when the retired flyer is not promptly located a hunt or an overrun can result in a dog being gradually pulled towards the "gravity well" of the center of the field - at which point a handle becomes necessary to recover the bird.

The converging pair - which are also both memory birds - seems to have produced less trouble than one might think considering how tight these two birds are. However there have been problems here as well, with both birds of the pair being the cause of hunts and handles.

As happens with quads, we are seeing experimentation with different retrieval orders. So far the predominant order, after recovering the go bird, is to retrieve the birds in order: go-bird, left-middle, right-middle, long flyer. However some teams have had success sending for the long retired flyer second and we have seen a few dogs pick up the right middle bird second. At this time there does not seem to be one best retrieval order.


Owners: Thomas, Erin & Nancy O'Brien
Breeder: Therese Butler

Came to the line at 10:55 am.

Right Flyer - Smacked It

Left Middle - Doc ran up the right side to the right middle blind. He took a loop then came back to the left middle blind. When he came out of the cover he had his bird.

Left Flyer - He went in under the arc and quickly quickly worked his way left and to the bird.

Right Middle - Getting wide right going out, he got deep behind the blind. He turned left and went over to the fall area then Doc got his bird.

Handle - 54. FC AFC CHOPPER'S FINAL APPROACH, "Billie" LF, Joel Harris

Owner: Joel Harris
Breeder: Scott Jones 

Came to the line at 10:45 am.

Right Flyer - Very Good

Right Middle - Billie passed the holding blind on the left and got beyond it. She made a couple of passes to the right before committing to the area with the bird which she quickly located.

Left Middle - Billie got into the area wide left and had to be handled to the bird.

Left Flyer - She arrived at the area deep and to the right. She recovered and moved in for the bird.


Owner: Brian Rolling
Breeder: Lynn Dodge 

Right Flyer - Straight to the bird.

Left Flyer - Hex went out to the blind on the right side. He hooked and went behind it and moved out to the left side where he hunted and got his bird.

Left Middle - He went straight to the fall area, where he hunted hard until he found his bird.

Right Middle - Hex went straight up the middle of the field and over the mound straight to the bird.

No Bird - 52. FC HORSETOOTH'S PENALTY SHOT, "Deke" LM, Kenny Trott

Deke went to the line and received a no bird. He will be placed back 6 spots and have his rerun in the 7th spot back.

47. NFC AFC I'M UR SEARCH ENGINE, "Google" LM, Alan Pleasant

Owner: Leon Stepanian
Breeder: Kristi & James Roberts

Came to the line at 10:26 am

Right Flyer - Google quickly got this hen flyer

Right Middle - He angled right going up the field and got to the blind. He made a few turns then moved left and got his bird.

Left Middle - Great line up the left side to the blind, Google then turned right and quickly got his bird.

Left Flyer - Excellent line up the field, he moved right to the blind and got deep right. He moved back to the left and worked his way back to the bird.


Owner: Kerry Lavin
Breeder: Paul Rainbolt 

Came to the line at 10:15 am.

Right Flyer Quick recovery of the her flyer

Left Flyer - Maddie came back with her bird with little trouble

Left Middle - She went up the swale and she bend in to work out the left retired gun.

Right Middle - She used the same line and pushed on to her bird and came out of the cover with it.