Sunday, November 10, 2019

End of Day Two … Recap

Our second day here in Corning has come to the at 4:51 pm.

We started the day finishing up our combined Series 2 & 3 Land/Water Blind at 6:34 am with dog #4 starting it out. The test was completed the series with dog #80 at 1:43 pm. Dog #76 Abbey retired when it was her turn to run. The callbacks of 87 dogs were announced at the 4th Series Water Triple with an Honor. Dog #6 started the series at 2:39 pm, and dog #24 was the last running dog of our 2nd day of competition. We had two dogs handle: #12 & 16.

Our first running dog tomorrow will #25. We will meet back at test site to complete our 4th Series.  We will have one test dog at 6:30 am, with the first running dog to follow.

Everybody have a good night and we will be back in the morning.

BIG MOON a risin'

24. FC AFC LANE'S THRILLA N MANILLA, "Frazier" LM, Ryan Brasseaux

Whelp: 2/16/2011
FC-AFC Lanes Lets Get Ready To Rumble ex AFC JB's Rude Attitude

Came to the line at 4:42 pm.

Flyer - Straight to it!

Middle Retired - Crossing the pond, Frazier came out on top of it and missed. Made a turn deep on the rim and came back down onto the ledge and got his bird.

Right Retired - Into the pond, up across the hillside and stepped on his bird.

Re-Bird - 4th Series

At 6:41 pm we had to quickly re-bird.

We started the 4th series with dog #6 at 2:39 pm. Since the start we had two dogs handle: #12 & 16.

Our next dog to run is #24.


Whelp: 2/22/2013
FC-AFC Creek Robber ex FC-AFC Pattons Blazen Abby MH

Flyer - Quickly recovery of his flyer

Right Retired - A quick look short of the bird and Hawk drives on up the hill to get the rooster.

Middle Retired - He swam through the pond directly to the area. Hawk makes about four controlled loops to come up with his bird.


Whelp: 3/18/2014
FC-AFC Bayou Teche Eye On The Ball ex FC 3 R's Carbon Calie

Flyer - Directly to the bird.

Middle Retired - Foxx swam through the pond, arrived at the area and quickly located his hen.

Right Retired - Through the decoys, holding the angle, Foxx is on his rooster.


Whelp: 12/14/2011
AFC Ajax Wincor ex Sweetwater's Dreamboat "Annie" JH

Came to the line at 4:20 pm (finished at 4:28 pm)

Flyer - Perfect line

Middle Retired - Wide left crossing the pond. Got to the far shore and ran right down the edge to the fall area then to the bird.

Right Retired - Good line out to the fall area and quickly found his bird.

20. FC AFC SMOKIN HOT PANTS, "Lucy" LF, Debbie Fulgoni

Whelp: 11/14/2011
FC-AFC Wood River's Franchise ex Ecstasy's Fancy Pants MH

Came to the line at 4:10 pm.

Flyer - Came in under the arc. She moved quickly out to the left and to her bird.

Middle Retired - Her line was left of the bird as she was crossing the pond. Coming out wide left of the gunners blind, but came down the waters edge to the fall area. Up to the rim and down to the water in a loop twice then she got her bird.

Right Retired - Into the pond and onto the point. Lucy was driving the mound when she turned left and worked her way down to her bird.

A look at our Handlers

We had a total of 48 different handlers entered into this years NRC Championship. They are all listed below with their status and how many dogs they had entered. The next section will show how many dogs they have starting the 4th Series.

Out of the 48 handlers entered, 10 of them were females (6 Amateur - 4 Pros). We had 38 male handlers entered (13 Amateur - 25 Pro). Starting the 4th series we lost 2 female handlers (1 Amateur - 1 Pro) and 3 male handlers (all Amateur). This is leaving us with 43 different handlers starting the 4th Series

Entered w/ Dog Count             Dog Count starting the 4th Series
Al Arthur (Pro) 3 dogs            2 dogs - #88 scratched in season   
Alan Pleasant – 8 (Pro)            8 dogs
Alex Abraham (Amateur)            1 dog
Alexandra Washburn (Amateur)         out dog dropped
Alvin Hatcher (Amateur)            1 dog
Amie Henninger (Pro)            1 dog
Amy Hunt (Pro)                 out dog dropped
Andy Kahn (Amateur)             out scratched dog in season
Bart Peterson (Pro)            1 dog
Casey Adams – 2 (Amateur)        2 dogs
Charlie Moody - 2 (Pro)         1 dog - #42 scratched dog in season
Chris Ledford – 2 (Pro)            2 dogs
Cindie Little (Amateur)            1 dog
Clint Avant – 2 (Pro)            2 dogs
Danny Farmer – 10 (Pro)            10 dogs
Dave Rorem – 4 (Pro)             3 dogs - #17 dropped
Dave Smith – 2 (Pro)            2 dogs
David Opseth (Amateur)            1 dog
Debbie Fulgoni (Amateur)        1 dog
Delma Hazzard (Amateur)            1 dog
Ed Forry (Pro)                1 dog
Eric Fangsrud – 2 (Pro)            2 dogs
Greg Bartlett – 5 (Pro)            5 dogs
Jim Beck – (Pro)            1 dog
Joel Harris (Amateur)            1 dog
John Caire (Amateur)              out dog dropped
John Henninger – 2 (Pro)        2 dogs
Johnny Armerstong (Amateur)        1 dog
Ken Neil (Amateur)            1 dog
Kenny Trott – 3 (Pro)             1 dog - #3 dropped / #76 retired
Kyle Broussard (Amateur)         out dog dropped
Lauren Hays-Curtis (Amateur)        1 dog
Marcy Wright (Pro)            1 dog
Mark Medford (Amateur)            1 dog
Mike Taylor – 2 (Pro)            2 dogs
Misty Melo – 2 (Pro)            2 dogs
Paul Sletten – 3 (Pro)            3 dogs
Ray Voigt – 8 (Pro)            8 dogs
Rick Stawski (Pro)            1 dog
Rob Erhardt – 2 (Pro)            2 dogs
Robby Bickley (Amateur)            1 dog
Ryan Brasseaux – 4 (Pro)        4 dogs
Scott Harp – 2 (Pro)            2 dogs
Sharon van der Lee (Amateur)        1 dog
Tim Milligan – 3 (Pro)            3 dogs
Tim Mueller (Amateur)            1 dog
Trey Lawrence – 2 (Pro)         1 dog - #64 dropped
Wayne Curtis (Pro)            1 dog

About the 2019 Set-up Dogs …

Nine talented and experienced field trial retrievers who were not qualified for this National were selected to do the all-important "beta testing" of the tests the competing dogs later face during the National event. During set-up week, a selection of these nine dogs test-ran each of the 17 tests and variations (to equal a total of 25 challenging set-ups) from which the judges pick 10 for the competition.

Our 2019 set-up dogs and their handlers:

"Josie" and "Brandy" Missy Bell

"Dagger" Chris Hatch

"Smoke" Chester Koeth

"Buster" Steve Kompf

"Cricket" and "Shelby" Jay Phelps

"Nitro" and "Whiskey" – Rich Pingatore

Thank you all for your hard work making this a grand National!

18. FC AFC GUNSTOCK'S WIN CHESTER, "Chester" LM, Danny Farmer

Whelp: 10/2/2013
FC-AFC Gunstock's Topshelf Snap Decision ex Stoeberl's Elite Abigail SH

Came to the line at 3:55 pm

Flyer - Very Good

Middle Retired - Direct sim to the mark and up to the bird.

Right Retired - Arrived at the area and just not quite there before turning right checking up the hill and returning to the area for the bird.


Whelp: 10/9/2015
FC-AFC Seaside's Gorgeous George ex Riley Creek Troublesome Eye Candy

Came to the line at 4:02 pm.

Flyer - Millie has her bird.

Middle Retired - Through the pond but a hard right in front of the tall grass. She comes out of the water bends back around along the rim. A little swim and she is in and out of the water. She finally works her way up the land far enough to get the bird.

Right Retired - Through the water and out right of the decoys. She comes into the area of the fall and retrieves her rooster.

Handle - 16. FC AFC DELPOND'S PINK TO MAKE THE BOYS WINK, "Wink" LF, Alan Pleasant

Whelp: 3/19/2014
FC Merlyn IV ex FC-AFC Delpond's Pink Champagne

Came to the line at 3:47 pm

Flyer - Straight to the area and the bird.

Middle Retired - Great line across the pond towards his bird. Up and out deep then back down to the water and up to circle the holding blind. He went back down to get her bird.

Right Retired - Through the right piece of the water, getting out she drove right up the hill and got out of sight. She had to be handled back to the bird.


Whelp: 7/14/2013
FC-AFC Carbons Blue Pursuit ex PepperJack's Dolled Up Mya MH QAA

Came to the line at 3:41 am.

Flyer - Direct line

Middle Retired - Dude came up the hill behind the blind. He got out onto the field and deep. Making a big turn and back below the rim her got his bird.

Right Retired - Cut right in the water taking him up and out deep right of the blind. He hunted the hill behind the blind for a big loop then down to his bird.


Whelp: 8/29/2013
NAFC-FC Texas Troubador ex FC-AFC Dance Hall Gal

Came to the line at 3:35 pm.

Flyer - Mickey throws up dust scooping up his duck.

Middle Retired - Arriving at the base of the trees, he drives the dam coming up behind the holding blind. He turns towards the bird and works his way to the hen.

Right Retired - Going along the right hand shore he arrives at the perfect spot to grab the rooster.


Whelp: 3/4/2009
FC-AFC Land Ahoy ex Field Of Dreams Willow D' One

Came to the line at 3:27 pm

Flyer - Good flyer

Middle Retired - Jewel come into the station behind the guns and drives up the dam. Once through the trees she turns right to find her bird.

Right Retired - Into the pond and cutting out right of the decoys, she drives up the hill and establishes a hunt right of the throwers. She works her way down to the bird.

Sponsors - Day 2

Blog Sponsors

Our 2019 NRC Generous Blog Sponsors

Our OFFICIAL Blog Sponsors:
Our Additional Blog Sponsors:

Handle - 12. FC AFC GOOD IDEA'S GIVE THEM NO EXCUSE, "Marvin" LM, Ken Neil

Whelp: 9/18/2011
NAFC-FC Cody Cut A Lean Grade ex NFC-AFC Candlewood's Something Royal

Came to the line at 3:19 pm

Flyer - Nice line to the bird

Middle Retired -  Wide left going out, he came back right along the shore line and then up the hill and quickly back down to the bird.

Right Retired - Across and up, Marvin came in left of the bird and went deep getting out of sight. Ken tried to tweet him in, he came back into sight and got his bird.

11. FC AFC STRAIGHT TO THE HEART-DAGGER, "Dagger" LM, Johnny Armstrong

Whelp: 2/18/2012
NAFC-FC Cody Cut A Lean Grade ex Kasey Kisses SH

Came to the line at 3:14 pm.

Flyer - Straight to the flyer

Middle Retired - Dagger got out across the middle of the pond. Going up the hill and under the arc he got to the rim and made one quick loop deep then came back down to his bird.

Right Retired - Good line left of decoys making one turn under the arc and to his bird. Nice.

10. FC L7 TROUBLESOME OTTER JIM, "Jim" LM, Chris Ledford

Whelp: 2/16/2014
Troublesome Falsely Accused MH ex Otter Slough's Princess Remy

Came to the line 3:07 pm

Flyer - Nice line to his bird

Middle Retired - Cross the pond and up the hill close to the guns. He got deep then quickly came back over the rim to the bird.

Right Retired - Into the pond, out and he drives up the hill behind the mound on the right. Getting deep then left he came back down the hill to  his bird.

8. FC AFC TRUMARC'S MAVIS, "Mavis" LF, Danny Farmer

Whelp: 2/15/2012
FC-AFC Lanes Lets Get Ready To Rumble ex Hayseed's Little Darlin MH

Came to the line at 3:00 pm.

Flyer - Very clean flyer

Middle Retired - Down into the pond and behind the bush out the far side and deep. Quickly she got back to the shore and the bird.

Right Retired - Mavis arrive in field to the right of the gunners but she promptly worked her way left and to the bird.

7. FC TIGER MTN'S PALE RIDER, "Ghost" LM, Mike Taylor

Whelp: 7/6/2011
FC-AFC Wood River's Franchise ex Tiger Mtn's Ghost Rider One

Came to the line at 2:53 pm.
Completed at 2:58 pm.

Flyer - Straight to the bird.

Middle Retired - Down and across the pond, lunging water, up the hill and under the arc, back hunting cover around the rim, getting down he got his bird.

Right Retired - Down and up on the point, Ghost drives up the hill and behind the mound deep right for one turn then he came quickly back to the left and out to his bird.

Ghost moves to honor.

6. DRY CREEKS WHAT A KAHN, "Kahn" LM, Alan Pleasant

Whelp: 10/26/2014
NFC-AFC Robber's Stray Bullet ex Princeton's Katy Did It

Came to the line at 2:49 pm

Flyer - Straight to the bird

Middle Retired - Through the pond and left of the tall clump. He arrives deep of the bird but works himself back into it.

Right Retired - Past to decoys and coming out right of the tall clump. Kahn gets to the area and breaks right but works back into the bird.

Kahn now moves to the honor.

Series 4 - Water Triple - Test Dogs

Jaida & Brent - 2:22 pm

Flyer - Straight to the bird.

Right Retired - Into the fall area staying tight until she got her bird.

Middle Retired - Into the pond and crossed the middle. Came out left of the gunners and went around the back going down to her bird.

Took 7 minutes 40 seconds to complete this test

Cash & Bente - 2:33  pm

Flyer - Straight to the bird

Middle Retired - Directly to the bird

Right Retired - Out to the mound with a loop behind the guns then back out to the bird.

Took 5 minutes 1 second to complete this test

Series Four – Water Triple with Two Retired an an Honor

The Fourth Series of the National Retriever Championship is comprised of a Water Triple with Two Retired and an Honor.
The line faces SW and over looks a pond with some decoys in the near right hand corner. This pond has a clump of tall grass midway up the right shore line and then bends around to a tree line dam. To the right of the pond is a mowed border that transitions to the typical cover with three brush piles dispersed up the hill.

There is a larger concealed station for the first bird, a retired rooster pheasant thrown 230 yards to the left.

Next, the middle retired by the tree line on the dam throws a hen duck 180 yards to the right.

To the left of the pond – and outside the picture of the pond – is a hen duck flyer station that is shot approximately 140 yards to the left on the side of a hill.

The order is right retired rooster, middle retired hen duck and left hen duck flyer. The dog will then honor. This test takes approximately 7 minutes and 40 seconds.

Fourth Series Water Triple with Two Retired and an Honor

Bird 1 – Retired Rooster – 230 yards
Bird 2 – Retired Hen Duck – 180 yards
Bird 3 – Hen Duck Flyer – 140 yards

Fourth Series sketch by Missy Bell
Drone diagram by Rich Pingatore

Callbacks To the 4th Series

87 dogs were called back to the 4th series. They are... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, and 101.

11 dogs dropped were: 1, 9, 17, 51, 59, 63, 64, 76, 78, 82 and 100

Dog #76 Abby retired.

Dog #6 Kahn will be our first running dog.

In The Books - Series 2 & 3 - Land/Water Blind

We have finished the second and third series in the second day of competition at  1:42 pm.

This combined series started at 2:46 pm on Saturday, November 9 and finished for the day at 4:56 (two hours and ten minutes). We then continued the series at 6:34 this morning and now just completing it in seven hours and eight minutes. It took a total of 9 hours 18 minutes to get 98 dogs through the combined 2nd and 3rd series. This averages to just under six minutes per dog to complete the tests.

Everything so far is running very smoothly. We had dog #76 Abbey retire during this series due to medical reasons. Abbey has had a great career with 2014 and 2017 National Open finalist and competing in the 2018 Open and the 2016 & 2019 Amateur. She has a total of 68.5 Open points, 46 Amateur points and 8 Derby points. We wish Abbey the best on her retirement.

The callbacks will be given at the next test site. As soon as we get you will have them right here on the Retriever News 2019 NRC Championship Blog.

80. AFC SHORT STACK - DOUBLE OR NOTHIN', "Shorty" LM, Delma Hazzard

Previously entered National(s): Amateur - 2018

Land Blind (1:38 pm) - An early whistle to adjust the line carried Shorty near the ahy bale. One more at the bale and up the hill to the bird.

Water Blind (1:40 pm) - Good initial line with a whistle at the shore to carry Shorty through the cattails to the far shore. Two more on the far shore. Adjustment blow at the end passing by end of the mound to her bird.

79. FC AFC WOOD RIVER'S MR BIG, "George" LM, John Henninger

Previously entered National(s): Open 2017 & 2018; Amateur - 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019 (F)

Land Blind (1:31 pm) - One whistle before the road and two more to the hay bale that carried George to the bird.

Water Blind (1:34 pm) - Two whistles before the road and one to get into the pond to the cattails. One out of the cattails that carried him out of the water. A whistle on top of the mound and to the bird.

78. FC TRUMARC'S GRATUITY, "Tippy" LF, Danny Farmer

Previously entered National(s): Open - 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018

Tippy to the line at 1:25 pm

Land Blind - Tippy got to a quarter of the way to the second road before she took three whistles to get past it. This carried her past the bale and gunners to the point of only getting one more to the bird.

Water Blind - She got to the first gravel road on her initial line. Taking four whistles to get her into the pond with two to follow to get through the cattails. One more on the far shore and the last for the cover and then the bird.


Previous National entered: Open - 2017 & 2018 (F); Amateur - 2018 (F) & 2019

Came to the line at 1:19 pm

Land Blind - Flex got almost to the hay bale when he got two whistles to get past it and the guns. Getting one more to get the bird.

Water Blind - Getting over the gravel roads, Flex took four whistles to get into the pond. This carried him through the cattails. The next whistle was in the far side of the pond and he took one more to get through the mound of cover with the final blow from Alan to the bird.

Retired - 76. FC AFC BAYPOINT'S WESTMINSTER ABBEY, "Abbey" LF, Kenny Trott

Previously entered National(s): Open - 2014 (F), 2017 (F) & 2018; Amateur - 2016 & 2019

Abbey is retiring due to medical reasons and will not complete the National.

75. FC AFC WALUKE STRYDER, "Stryder" LM, Eric Fangsrud

Previously entered National(s): Amateur - 2018 & 2019

Land Blind (1:15 pm) - Four whistles to the hay bale then Stryder had the line to the bird.

Water Blind (1:17 pm) - Two whistles to bring him to a good water entry that carried him to the cattails. One whistle to get him out and three to pull him out of the water on the far shoreline and taking him around the mound and up the hill to the bird.


This is Doyle's first National showing.

Land Blind (1:10 pm) - An early whistled followed by four others got Doyle past the hay bale. Two more blows beyond that to drive the hill and get the bird.

Water Blind (1:12 pm) - Excellent initial line that carried him to the cattails. Taking six whistles in the cattails getting wide right, he needed three more to go up the hill. He missed the mound on his way to the bird.

73. FC VROMAN'S IN THE FILMORE, "Reggie Hammond" LM, Dave Smith

This is Reggie Hammond's first National showing.

Land Blind - Getting half way to the second road, Dave gave three casts to get Reggie Hammond past the hay bale and another one from behind the bale to the bird.

Water Blind - At the second road, Dave gave two casts to get the dog in the pond. This carried him to the cattails where he received one more whistle to get through them. In the far side of the pond, Reggie Hammond got a whistle and then the next one came right of the cover. He passed that and had two more blows to the bird.

72. FC RMR EBONSTARS MAGIC SH, "Emmy" LF, Clint Avant

Previously entered National(s): Open - 2015 & 2017; Amateur - 2018

Came to the line at 12:55 pm.

Land Blind - Emmy almost got to the hay bale on her initial line but has to get two whistles from Clint get past it. Two more blows and she was the bird.

Water Blind - Getting half way to the second road, Emmy got her first whistles to get across it, which carried her into the pond. Taking another whistle to get to and through the cattails to the far section of the pond, she got a third blow to get to the far shore the carried her past the cover. The last whistle was to the bird.

71. FC AFC DUCK BUSTER'S RED BARRON, "Buster" LM, Paul Sletten

Previously entered National(s): Open - 2017; Amateur - 2017 & 2018 (F)

Land Blind (12:53 pm) - One whistle beyond the hay bale and Buster had his bird.

Water Blind (12:54 pm) - Two whistles to get Buster in the pond and three more came from Paul to get him to and through the cattails. Two more blows in the pool to get the exit point correct and two final whistles to get up the hill, over the mound and to the bird.

70. FC AFC INDIGO HELLO DOLLY, "Dolly" LF, Edward Forry

Previously entered National(s): Open - 2018; Amateur 2019

Land Blind (12:48 pm) - Three whistles to get past the hay bale and two more to get up the hill and to the bird.

Water Blind (12:49) - Two whistles down the hill and into the pond. This carried Dolly through the cattails and to the far shore. A couple quick whistles from Ed and Dolly is over the mound on the bird.


Previously entered National(s): Amateur - 2018

Land Blind - Getting to the second road, Ray gave two casts to get Ryder past the hay bale and gunner and then one more to the bird.

Water Blind - Getting a cast past the second road carried Ryder into the pond and to the cattails. Needs a whistle to get through them also took him to the far shore. Three quick cast to get past the cover and two more to the bird.

68. FC AFC BEDAZZLED II, "Be" LF, Danny Farmer

Previously entered National(s): Amateur - 2019 (F)

Land Blind - Initial line carried Be across the first gravel road. Getting three whistles to cross the second road. This carried her past the bale and gunners. The next cast and check down got her to the bird.

Water Blind - Getting across the field on an angle and into the pond on her initial line, Be took her first cast to the cattails and one more to get through them that carried her into the far section of the pond. Getting another cast from Danny at the base of the cover and one to get through she got her last two and was to her bird.


Previously entered National(s): Open - 2017; Amateur - 2018 & 2019

Land Blind (12:31 pm) - Very good initial line. Getting his first whistle at the hay bale followed a check whistle at the blinkd.

Water Blind - One whistle moved Chase right for a good water entry. Getting another whistle from Alvin in the cattails, carried him to cross the mound and to his bird with one whistle.

Droning On …

Rich Pingatore took this neat shot of the grounds from his drone.

WOW – Did the Traffic Committee do a great job, or what?


This is Buddy's first National showing.

Land Blind (12:27 pm) - Three whistles and Buddy is past the hay bale and zooms up to his bird.

Water Blind (12:28 pm) - Buddy received two whistles from Dave to get to the water. Maintaining good momentum, he got two more to get to and through the cattails. Another whistle was to adjust his exit from the water. Up the hillside to the mound, with a whistle to get over it on his bird.

65. FC CARL WITH A K, "Karl" LM, Rick Stawski

This is Karl's first National showing.

Came to the line at 12:20 pm.

Land Blind - Karl carried his initial line half way down the hill getting his first whistle from Rick to get past the hay bale. The second and last blow was a check down at the bird.

Water Blind - Initial carried him down hill and past the second road. A cast to put him into the pond and two to get him through the cattails. A whistle in the far side of the pond took him to the cover strip where he got another blow. The final was at the bird.

64. FC TROUBLESOME NICOLE, "Nicki" LF, Trey Lawrence

This is Nicki's first National showing.

Land Blind - Nicki's initial line carried her to her first whistle on the gravel road. Three more to get the second road and two to get past the hay bale with the final one to the bird.

Water Blind - The initial line put Nicki past the first gravel road. Getting two whistles from Trey to pass the second road, she go to the pond and had two more whistles to get into the water. This carried her through the cattails. The next whistle was to readjust the line in the far side of the pond, which carried Nicki out and through the cover strip. The last whistle was at the bird.

63. AFC DOLLAR BILL Y'ALL, "George" LM, Kyle Broussard

Previously entered National(s): Amateur - 2019

Land Blind (12:11 pm) - Three whistles to the hay bale and two more afterwards to get to the bird.

Water Blind (12:13 pm) - George's initial line brought him the waters edge but he needed a little adjustment. Getting two blows of the whistle from Kyle he got to and through the cattails. Four more after with a boxed end.

62. FC TRULINE'S JUST FLOYD, "Floyd" LM, Amie Henninger

This is Floyd's first National showing.

Land Blind (12:05 pm) - Three whistles pulled Floyd to the right of the hay bale with two more to follow to put him on the bird.

Water Blind (12:07 pm) - Three whistles into the water with on to get to and through the cattails. Amie blew another whistle to adjust the exit while still in the water and Floyd was on his way to the mound. A whistle there and back to the bird. Running a little past, he quickly got his a whistle in.

Fun Fact - Dog's with No previous National showing

Out of our 101 dogs that entered this years Championship, 28 of them has never entered a National event. An additional 19 of them has only been to an Amateur and one has only been at the National Derby.

So this is a total of 39 of the entered dogs that has NEVER been to a National Open.

Out of the 98 starters, 26 of the dogs have never entered in a National event.

61. FC TANKS FOR THE MEMORIES II, "Hope" LF, Greg Bartlett

Previously entered National(s): Open 2018; Amateur 2019

Came to the line at 11:58 am.

Land Blind - Lined the Blind

Water Blind - The initial line carried Hope to the area before the second road. Getting her first cast that carried her down the hill and into the pond. A second cast from Greg took her through the cattails and to the far shore. The third got her through the cover deep of the bird but with a tweet back she had the bird.

60. FC TIGER MTN'S BETTIN' ON BLACK, "Gamble" LM, Mike Taylor

This is Gamble's first National showing.

Came to the line at 11:55 am.

Land Blind - Gamble's initial line carried him to just over the gravel road. Getting two whistles to the second gravel road that carried him to the area of the bird. With a check down from Mike he had his bird.

Water Blind - Initial line was just short of the second road. Getting his first whistle that carried Gamble into the pond and to the cattails, he received a second blow to get through them. One more in the far section of the pond for direction change. One on the shore with another to get the cover then the last at the bird.


Previously entered National(s): Amateur - 2019 (F)

Land Blind (11:49 am) - Maya got five whistles to the hay bale. One more to correct her line to the bird.

Water Blind (11:57 am) - Lined to the cattails, Maya got her first whistle from Alex to move out of the cattails. Two more to get a good point of exit. One up and over the hill of cover but not quite deep enough. Additional whistles to put her on the bird.

58. FC TRULUCK'S GOIN' JESSIE, "Jessie" LF, Danny Farmer

Previously entered National(s): Open - 2018

Land Blind (11:43 am) - Four whistles came before the second road but then she got lined up and carried it all the way to the bird.

Water Blind - Two whistles from Danny before the second road and one to get Jessie into the water. Five more blows to put her through the cattails and one on the far shore with another over the mound and to the bird.

57. FC AFC CONTRAILS SKY QUEEN, "Reina" LF, David Opseth

Previously entered National(s): Open - 2016 & 2017; Amateur - 2016 (F) & 2017

Due to David Opseth judging the 2018 NRC Championship Reina could not compete in that years event.

Came to the line at 11:37 am.

Land Blind - Getting just over the gravel road, Reina got her first cast that carried her to the area of the bird with one blow from David and she got her bird.

Water Blind - Initial line was carried just past the first gravel road. Reina got her first whistle to get to the second road. Getting her second to get into the water that carried her through the cattails, the far section of the pond and out she took one more blow to get through the cover strip. Very loose at the end, she got several more whistles.

56. FC CHICAGO BLUES STAR, "Scrapper" LM, Ray Voigt

This is Scrapper's first Nation showing.

Came to the line at 11:33 am.

Land Blind - The initial line carried Scrapper almost to the second road. Getting one cast to the bale Scrapper then went past the blind and and got tweeted from Ray get back in.

Water Blind - Going across the field, into the pond and through the cattails on his initial line, Scrapper got one whistle in the far piece of the water and a second at the cover strip and the final blow was at the bird.


Previously entered National(s): Open - 2018; Amateur 2019

Land Blind (11:30 am) - Three whistles that put Doc on the line past the left side of the hay bale and up the bird.

Water Blind (11:32 am) - Good momentum taking two whistles from Al to the water, two more to the cattails that carried Doc to the base of the mound. One blow and he's over and to the bird.


Previously entered National(s): Open - 2018 (F); Amateur - 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 (F) & 2019

 Land Blind (11:23 am) - Lined the blind.

Water Blind (11:25 am) - Billie got two whistles the water that put her wide of the cattails. A cast from Joel in and one out of the cattails and she was on her way. A blow at the edge and over the mound to her bird.

***Gun Change*** 2nd & 3rd Series - Conditions

Our second gun change of the day happened after #53 Hex finished his series at 11:16 am.

The dog work is continuing along on a good clip. Temperatures is similar to yesterday. Lighting conditions have been steady today with no variations in shadows to effect the test. The water has some duckweed growing in it. Last night the floating growth was confined to the back area of the pond. This morning the growth was all the way to the cattails but has now retreated to the far shore opening up the pool. Winds remain light and steady. Our temperatures are expect to climb to the lower 80's today.

If you haven't caught the Kenny Trott interview on his view of the 2nd & 3rd Series check it out by scrolling down or it the tag on the side that says "video" or got to the Retriever News You Tube channel!

Also...did you know you can find fun facts and stats on the dogs individual post? All you have to do is select you favorite dogs running number on the right side of the screen and scroll all the post and see the stats!

Now, lets get back to the running dogs as they complete the 2nd & 3rd Series!-


Previously entered National(s): Open 2017 & 2018

Hex came to the line at 11:12 am.

Land Blind - Getting down the hill half way to the second road, Tim blew the whistle two times before the second road. One more to pass the bale and gunner, Hex got his last blow as a check down at the bird.

Water Blind - Going all the way down the hill and into the pond and in the cattails Hex took his first whistle to cross the far section of water that he carried out of the water. One to catch the cover and the last one at the bird.


This is Deke's first National showing.

Came to the line at 11:07 am.

Land Blind - Getting half way down the hill to the second road, Kenny had to blow the whistles twice to her the line that carried Deke all the way to the bird.

Water Blind - The initial line got him to the pond edge. One cast to get into the water and one to get through the cattails. Deke got two more whistles in the far piece of the water and one on the shore. Getting another blow to slide past the cover on the left side to get to the bird, he got a check down and the bird.

51. FC K&M'S SEASIDE WARRIOR ELLIE, "Ellie" LF, Ryan Brasseaux

This is Ellie's first National showing.

Land Blind - Ellie's initial line brought her just past the gravel road. She took four whistles from Ryan to keep her tight to the hay bale on the right side. A few more blows and she was a bit loose at the end.

Water Blind - Getting just past the second road, Ellie got three whistles to get into the pond. One to get through the cattails and one more to follow in the far end of the water. Getting two more to get past the cover on the left side she got her final two to get the bird.


Previously entered National(s): Open - 2018; Amateur - 2015 (F), 2018 & 2019

Land Blind - Maddie took three whistles form Misty to put her to the left of the hay bale and she carried this to her bird.

Water Blind - Two whistles before the second road. Maddie carried this line through the cattails. Getting three more beyond the cattails, she got one more on the shore putting her up and over the mound to her bird.


This is Camo's first National showing.

Land Blind - Camo got three whistles to get him past the hay bale. He carried this line to the bird.

Water Blind - Two whistles to adjust Camo's enter into the pond. The line carried him to and through the cattails and to the far shore. Getting two more blows from Jim put Camo up the hill and over the mound to the bird.

48. FC MCS HENRY, "Henry" LM, Danny Farmer

Previously entered National(s): Open - 2018

Came to the line at 10:45 am.

Land Blind - Henry carried his initial line to just over the gravel road. He got a whistle then that got him behind the gunner. With two more blows from Danny he had his bird.

Water Blind - Getting to the second road on his initial line, Henry got two casts to get into the pond and two more in the front piece of the water that carried him through the cattails. One more blow coming in the far section of the pond with a blow for the cover strip with two final whistles to the bird.

47. NFC AFC I'M UR SEARCH ENGINE, "Google" LM, Alan Pleasant

Previously entered National(s): Open - 2017 & 2018 Winner; Amateur - 2017 & 2018

Google came to the line at 10:39 am.

Land Blind - Google's initial line carried him half way to the second road. Taking three whistles from Alan he cleared the bale on the right side of it. Getting one more blow to get to the bird.

Water Blind - Carrying his initial line to the point just before the 2nd road, Google took three whistles to get in the water. This got him to the cattails where he got one more whistle to clear them. Getting to the far shore, he got one more blow to catch the cover and one to the bird.


Previously entered National(s): Open - 2015, 2016 (F), 2017 & 2018 (F); Amateur - 2015 (F), 2017 & 2019

Land Blind (10:35 am) - Baby had a good initial line. Getting a whistle from Ray just before the hay bale, but she went to the right of it on a line that got her to the bird.

Water Blind (10:37 am) - Quick early whistle and one more to send her on a line that carried her through the cattails and up the far shoreline to the base of the mound where Ray blew a safety whistle/cast that put her over the mound and to the bird.

Kenny Trott/Horsetooth Kennels, CO describes the 2nd & 3rd Series

Kenny Trott/Horsetooth Kennels, Colorado describes the 2nd Series Land Blind and the 3rd Series Water Blind.

45. FC FIREMARK ORANGE CRUSH, "Crush" GM, Rob Erhardt

Previously entered National(s): Derby - 2017

Crush is the only dog that has competed in a National Derby Championship that is entered in this years National Open.

Land Blind (10:30 am) - Three whistles to get his line adjusted to carry him left of the hay bale and to his bird.

Water Blind (10:32 am) - Early whistle from Rob with a followup of the two more got Crush to his water entry. Three more blows to get him to and through the cattails and up the far shore. One whistle over the mound of cover and on the bird.

44. FC ROAD TRIPP, "Tripp" LM, Mark Medford

Previously entered National(s): Amateur - 2016 (F)

Land Blind - Tripp's initial blind carried him just by the gunners. Getting a cast from Mark that carried him to the bird area and another whistle put him on the bird.

Water Blind - The initial line carried Tripp to the road. Getting four whistles to get into the pond and three more to get through the cattails, Tripp had to get several more whistles to put him left of the cover and he finished with a quick whistle at the bird.


Previously entered National(s): Open - 2017; Amateur - 2017 (F) & 2019

Came to the line 10:19 am.

Land Blind - Crash carried his initial line to the second road. Then getting a whistle from Wayne, he carried it to the area just right of the bird. The second blow put on him it.

Water Blind - Getting to the edge of the pond on his initial line, Crash got one whistle to navigate through the cattails and the next one when he hit the far shore line. The third to put him past the cover strip and two to the bird.

41. FC AFC 3R'S MR T SMOKEN JOE, "Smokie" LM, Dave Rorem

Previously entered National(s):  Open - 2018 (F); Amateur - 2018 & 2019

Land Blind (10:15 am) - One whistle to move Smokie down the hill and left of the hay bale. This carried him to his bird.

Water Blind (10:17 am) - A whistle on the second road carried Smokie to the water. Getting one from Dave that carried him through the cattails and two more to adjust on land and around the mound of cover to the bird.


Previously entered National(s):  Amateur - 2019

Land Blind (10:09 am) - Two whistles before the second road, Catch got his third that had him passing the hay bale on the left side with a line that carried him to the bird.

Water Blind (10:12 am) - One whistle to adjust his line for the water entry. This carried him to the cattails. A quick blow of the whistle from Tim moved him through the cattails. Two more came at the far shore to put him over the mound of cover and on the bird.


Previously entered National(s):  Amateur - 2019

Land Blind - Only getting three whistles to the bird, Deacon carried his initial line past the second road then got two whistles get get past the hay bale and guns with the final blow from Casey to get to the bird.

Water Blind - Carrying his initial line almost to the pond, Deacon took his first cast to the cattails with two more to clear them. One on the far shore, another to clear the cover the final to the bird.

38. FC TRUMARC'S MAYBELLENE, "Mabel" LF, Danny Farmer

This is Mabel's first National showing.

Came to the line at 9:58 am

Land Blind - Mabel's initial line carried her across the first gravel road. She received three whistles to cross the second road and one more coming to get her past the hay bale and gunners with the last two to get to the bird.

Water Blind - Getting to the edge of the pond on her initial line, Mabel received her first whistle from Danny to enter the water that got her to the cattails. At this point she took another two blows to get through them. Carrying that cast into the far part of the water she got two more whistles. Getting two more to skirt the cover strip and the final two to the bird.

Recap for Double Blind – Series 2 and 3

We are now over half way through Series 2 and 3, a double blind. About 60 dogs have run, with about 20 completing on Day 1 in the late afternoon and twice that many by now on Day 2, running under morning conditions. Although the lighting conditions have been very different on Day 1 and Day 2 - as is to be expected - the dogs running at either time seem to be able to see casts well and, thankfully, hear all their whistles as quite a few can be needed. The land blind typically calls for 4 - 5 whistles and the water blind 10 - 12 to complete.

This pair of blinds - which share a diversion sluice and present several factors on each blind - pose plenty of challenge but the work overall shows that dogs and handlers who compete at the elevated level of a National Open can usually make reasonably smooth jobs of these blinds and in some cases fabulous jobs.

The water blind presents the larger set of challenges of this double blind pair. A long land entry into the water has caused some teams to need several whistles just to arrive at the water where needed. The dogs are for the most part compliant but can lose their "picture" after several redirects. Once in the water more navigation is needed to connect correctly with the point of dead tules. This clump of tules presents a visibility challenge and has the dangerous attraction of the sluice tucked away just behind it. Several casts can be required to get the dog safely past the sluice and on to the far shore. The end of the blind can cause more than a few problems with the combination of a berm at an angle and a downed log, also lying at an angle, operating to push the dog offline to the left where he can blow past the bird. If he does miss the bird at this point he is at risk of going over the edge out of sight and entering the dry pond area which was the scene of hunts for the memory bird of Series 1.

37. FC WATERMARK'S MYSTERY, "Mystic" LF, Alan Pleasant

This is Mystic first National showing.

Mystic came to the line at 9:52 am.

Land Blind - Mystic's initial line got her past the gravel road to where she got her first cast from Alan that carried her to the next road. One more blow to get past the hay bale and gunners which carried her to the bird.

Water Blind - Getting across the gravel road, Mystic got a whistle to clear it. Another cast to get into the pond and the one more to hit the cattails. The next whistles was in the far end of the pond and that shore line. Getting two more blows, one to skim the mound of cover and final at the bird.

36. OAKRIDGERTVR MADE MY DAY, "Maddie" LF, Ray Voigt

This is Maddie's first National showing.

Maddie came to the line at 9:47 am.

Land Blind - Maddie's initial line carried her half the way down the hill. The first whistle from Ray sent her close to the hay bale and she carried this almost to the bird. One more to get the bird.

Water Blind - Getting to the second road before her first whistles to put Maddie into the pond and this carried her to through the cattails to the far shoreline. One to get the covered mound and one last one to get the bird.

35. FC GEMSTONE'S SKYY BLUE, "Skyy" LM, Scott Harp

Previously entered National(s):  Open 2018

Skyy came to the line at 9:41 am.

Land Blind - Good initial line. Skyy got four whistles to the hay bale, passing it on the left side. Another whistle from Scott moved him up to his bird.

Water Blind - Excellent initial line. The first of three whistles in the water to move him to and through the cattails. Two more to get back in the body of water an to get a good exit piont. Three more up the far shore and over the mound to his bird.


Previously entered National(s):  Open - 2017 & 2018

Land Blind (9:35 am) - Gus got two whistles to adjust his line before the second road and two more towards the bale. Gus passes the hay bale to the right of it and needed one more whistle to the bird.

Water Blind - Three to correct his line to the water, then one more to get in to he cattails that carried him to the far shore. Two to move him up and over the mound with heavy cover and onto the bird.

33. FC AFC CNAFC CFC PEKISKO'S IRONMAN, "Rusty" LM, Sharon van der Lee

Previously entered National(s):  Open - 2016 & 2017; Amateur - 2015, 2017, 2018 (F) & 2019

Land Blind (9:29 am) - Three whistles before the second road and another after gets Rusty on line to the blind. He carried the line to his bird.

Water Blind (9:31 am) - Very early whistle followed by three more to get Rusty at a good entry point into the water. three more to move to and through the cattails that carried him to the mound where he gets two more whistles as he passed the mound and around the end of cover to the bird.


This is Cash's first National showing.

Came to the line at 9:22 am.

Land Blind - Cash's initial line carried him over the first gravel road. Getting three whistles to get to the next road. This carried him to the bird. A quick check down from Greg, Cash had his bird.

Water Blind - The initial got Cash half way to the second road. Getting one cast to the edge of the pond that took him to where he got two more whistles to get through the cattails. Going to the far shore, Cash got one more whistle to adjust and then one to hit the cover with a final check down.

31. FC BLACKWATER DEXTER, "Dexter" LM, Clint Avant

This is Dexter's first National showing.

Land Blind - Dexter's initial line carried him to the second road, then taking three casts to clear the hay bale and gunners he only took one check down blow at the end of the blind.

Water Blind - Initial line carried him just past the second road. Getting his first cast from Clint to get into the pond he took a second one to get the cattails that carried him to the far shoreline. Two more casts to slip by the cover for a very loose end.

No bird was planted.

29. FC BIGWOODS LAST MAN STANDING, "Champ" LM, Eric Fangsrud

This is Champ's first National showing.

Land Blind (9:11 am) - Good momentum put Champ 3/4 of the way down the hill where he got three whistles from Eric to move him to get his bird.

Water Blind (9:13 am) - One whistle carried him through the cattails and to the far shoreline. Getting three more to try to move him over the mound but he passed it to the left and went around it for the bird.

***Gun Change*** 2nd & 3rd Series

Our first gun change for the day came at 9:05 am after #28 Wanda, who just lined the land blind was done with her test.

The sun is shining the temperatures are climbing and it is a GREAT day to be in a field watching these amazing retrievers doing what they love to do!

Up next is dog # 29 Champ!

28. FC TRUMARC'S COMEDIENNE, "Wanda" LF, Danny Farmer

Previously entered National(s):  Open - 2018

Land Blind (9:00 am) - Nice job! Lined the blind!

Water Blind (9:02 am) - Excellent line that carried her to the shore line where she received two whistles from Danny that worked her through the cattails and up the far shoreline. Three more to guide her over the and to her bird.

27. FC AFC COLD BLACK JACK, "Jack" LM, Paul Sletten

Previously entered National(s):  Open - 2016 (F) & 2018; Amateur - 2016, 2017 (F), 2018 & 2019

Jack came to the line at 8:54 am.

Land Blind - Jack's initial line was just short of the gravel road. Taking one whistle to clear the hay bale, Jack got another whistle from Paul to go past the guns. The final was at the bird.

Water Blind - The initial line carried him almost to the second road where Jack took two whistles to cross it and get in the pond. Going through the cattails to the far shore he got two more blows to slide past the cover and the last on to the bird.

26. FC AFC LIL BIT'S TETE DE CUVEE, "Bubbles" LF, Alan Pleasant

Previously entered National(s): Open 2017; Amateur - 2018 & 2019

Came to the line at 8:50 am.

Land Blind - Bubble's initial line carried her over the first gravel road where she got two whistles from Alan to clear the second road and the hay bale. Getting another two blows to get past the guns and on to her bird.

Water Blind - Initial line carried her to the second road. Two whistles came to put her into the pond and another one to adjust for the cattails. Two more in the far end of the water and one more on the shore to get the cover with the final whistle for the bird.

SCRAPBOOK – DAY TWO of the 2019 NRC!

Please enjoy some candid shots from the morning of the second day of the 2019 National Open …

Traffic Control from a "KIWI"

… long shadows …

25. FC AFC HORSETOOTH'S CENTER ICE, "Stanley" LM, Marcy Wright

Previously entered National(s): Open - 2015, 2016 & 2017; Amateur - 2019

Stanley came to the line at 8:47 am.

Land Blind - Two whistles to adjust Stanley's line at the corner of the pond. This carried him nearly to the blind only needing a check down blow from Marcy.

Water Blind - One whistle to adjust line going into the water that carried him through the cattails. Two more to the shore and up the hill. A cast to put him over the mound and on his bird.

24. FC AFC LANE'S THRILLA N MANILLA, "Frazier" LM, Ryan Brasseaux

Previously entered National(s): Open - 2015 & 2018; Amateur - 2015, 2016, 2018 & 2019 (F)

Land Blind (8:40 am) - Frazier got his first two whistles to adjust his line to pass the hay bale on the left side of it. Two more to move him up to the bird.

Water Blind (8:43 am) - Very good initial line. Taking two whistles to maneuver through the cattails with another four more blows from Ryan to pass the mound with the cover and to get his bird.


Previously entered National(s): Open - 2016 & 2018; Amateur - 2017 & 2019

Land Blind - Hawk's initial line carried him past the second road where he took two whistles from Ray to put in the area of the bird and the third and final blow was at the bird.

Water Blind - Carrying the initial line all the way to the edge of the pond where Hawk took two whistles to catch the cattails that carried to the far shore. One more to get the covered mound and one last one to the bird.


Previously entered National(s): Open - 2018; Amateur - 2017 & 2018

Foxx came to the line at 8:32 am.

Land Blind - The initial line took Foxx all the way to the hay bale where he got his first whistle that carried to the bird and with a check down from Lauren at the end.

Water Blind - Foxx carried his initial line angle down the hill and into the pond, through the cattails to the far shore where he got one whistle to get the mound of cover. This whistle carried him to the end where he took a check blow.


Previously entered National(s): Open - 2016 & 2018

Land Blind (8:25 am) - Deep got two early whistles to adjust his line that carried him past the hay bale. Two more to move him over to the bird.

Water Blind (8:28 am) - Two whistles to adjust the line that carried Deep to the cattails. One to get him through and one more to position his water exit. Three more blows from Al on the land passing the mound with the cover to get his bird.

20. FC AFC SMOKIN HOT PANTS, "Lucy" LF, Debbie Fulgoni

Previously entered National(s): Amateur - 2019

Land Blind (8:19 am) - An early whistle carried Lucy down the hill with a couple more blows to move her past the hay bale at the corner of the pond and she was on her way to get the bird.

Water Blind (8:22 am) - An early whistle moves her left that carried her nearly to the cattails. Two whistles got her through them. Taking another whistle when was on the mound to get her on to the bird.


This is Millie's first National showing.

Land Blind - Initial line carried Millie across the first gravel road to where she took three casts to cross the second one. Two more to get past the hay bale and guns with two blows and a tweet to get the bird.

Water Blind - Millie's initial line carried her past the second road where she had to get a whistle to get into the pond. Three more to clear through the cattails and one more came in the far side of the water for direction. Tim blew the whistles three more times to get Millie to the cover where she skimmed past it and took two more whistles to the bird.

18. FC AFC GUNSTOCK'S WIN CHESTER, "Chester" LM, Danny Farmer

Previously entered National(s): Amateur - 2018

Came to the line at 8:07 am.

Land Blind - Initial line carried Chester across the first gravel road, taking his first cast to clear the second one. He past the bales and to the bird with a quick check down from Danny.

Water Blind - Initial line took him to the second road. One cast to get into the pond and two more to get the tip of the cattails. Two more whistles in the far side of the pond and three more to get past the end of the cover and onto his bird.


Previously entered National(s): Open - 2017 & 2018; Amateur - 2017, 2018 Winner & 2019

Came to the line at 8:03 am.

Land Blind - Three whistles to take Croc left of the hay bale and a check down whistle on the bird.

Water Blind - Croc's first whistle was at the waters edge to the cattails. He got into the tails and despite the whistle he ended up on the right side shore. More whistles came to try to regain the line. Croc missed the mound and is handled to his bird to the complete the blind.


This is Wink's first National showing.

Land Blind (7:56 am) - Wind took three whistles to get left of the hay bale and four more to adjust the line to the bird. Followed by a loose end to the bird.

Water Blind (8:00 am) - Veering left, a quick whistle to adjust the line into the water. Two more to get through the cattails and four more to skim the tip of the mound and to the bird.


Previously entered National(s): Open 2018; Amateur - 2018 (F) & 2019 (F)

Dude came to the line at 7:53 am.

Land Blind - Dude carried his initial line over the first gravel road. He took two whistles from Misty to cross the second road. One more to get past the hay bale and the final two to the bird.

Water Blind - Initial carried him past the second road. Dude then got a whistle to get into the pond and then two to get the cattails. Getting another two blows in the far end of the pond for line adjust and two more to miss the cover and the final to blows of the whistles to get the bird.


Previously entered National(s):  Open - 2017 & 2018; Amateur - 2017, 2018 & 2019 (F)

Mickey came to the line at 7:49 am.

Land Blind - Initial line carried Mickey to the hay bale where he took his first two whistles and a check down at the bird.

Water Blind - Mickey's initial line carried him to the second road. He took his first whistle to get into the pond. One more through the cattails that carried to the far shore. His last two whistles were to hit the cover and to the bird.