Friday, November 15, 2019

9th Series – End of Day 7

Day seven has come to an end at 4:49 pm with the bye dog "Kevin."

Dog #34 finished the our 7th day out. We had a 50 minute drive to move back to the grounds in Corning California which held the 9th series Water Triple test. We started this test with 18 dogs and Dog # 47 Google and Alan Pleasant kicked it off at 3:06 pm.

It took 1 hours 43 minutes to run 15 dogs, which is about approximately 7 minutes per dog.

This is what the 9th Series looked like so far...

No Bird / Rerun - 1
Handle - 2

We will be back here tomorrow morning with three dogs left to finish the 9th series. The dogs are #87, 39 and  41.

Test Dog at 6:45 am
First Running Dog at 7:00 am.

Have a great night and cannot wait for the excitement that comes with the 10th Series at the National!


4:42 pm

Right Flyer - Good Job

Left Retired - Into the pond and out just left of mark, Gus turned right and got his bird.

Middle Flyer - Gus went up the middle to the blind. He turned and made a loop close. Then he hunted right, moved wide left and got the bird.


4:36 pm

Right Flyer - Got the flyer

Left Retired - Foxx went out left of the bird but turned into the it. Nice Job!

Middle Flyer - Stayed left of the road and entered the field in good position to get his bird.

96. FC AFC YOURS TRULY INDIGO, "Tru" LF, Chris Ledford

4:29 pm

Right Flyer - Directly to the bird.

Left Retired - Good angle into the pond and right to the bird.

Middle Flyer - Very Good!


4:25 pm

Right Flyer - Straight to the fall area with quick turns and he got it!

Left Retired - Came out under the arc to turn left and get a little deeper and got his bird.

Middle Flyer - Flex went up to the blind and around cost. He hunted both sides of the road before her headed much farther left to get his bird.


4:18 pm

Right Flyer - Very nice line - Quick!

Left Retired - Down through the water to the fall area and the bird.

Middle Flyer - Up the field right of the bird, Babe went right then wide left. She popped in the road and had to be helped by the handler.

We found out that "Babe" ran into the blind and will only be judged to this point. The ruling by the judges was an unfairness to the dog.

86. FC MIDWAY'S AVENTADOR, "Jenny" LF, Tim Milligan

4:13 pm

Right Flyer - Quick recovery of her bird.

Left Retired - Nice entry point into the pond. Very good mark.

Middle Flyer - Entering the field under the arc, she hunted deep and works her way back to the bird.


4:08 pm

Right Flyer - Good Job

Middle Flyer - Rocky came in near the holding blind. He turned left and worked his way to the bird.

Left Retired - Entering the pond at a good spot he crossed to the area, just missing the bird. He turned left to hunt but is quickly back to the bird.


Due to technical difficulties ALL the pictures for the 9th Series will be posted later.

We have just been informed that there is a Verizon outage in the Corning, CA area. It did not affect us in Anderson, but is here.

73. FC VROMAN'S IN THE FILMORE, "Reggie Hammond" LM, Dave Smith

3:57 pm

Right Flyer - Tight hunt pattern and he got it.

Left Retired - Nice job into the pond and out for the bird

Middle Flyer - Down the field, Reggie cut up towards the bird but went back right to the blind. He hunted a brief loop then out to the bird.

Rerun - 47. NFC AFC I'M UR SEARCH ENGINE, "Google" LM, Alan Pleasant


Right Flyer - Straight to the fall area and quickly got his bird.

Left Retired - Out to the right of the brush pile, with a left turn Google had his bird.

Middle Flyer - Getting out to the blind, Google hunted right and crossed the road and was hunting the wrong side. He went to the correct side but very deep. A significant hunt before he found his bird.

72. FC RMR EBONSTARS MAGIC SH, "Emmy" LF, Clint Avant

3:40 pm

Right Flyer - Clean line to the bird.

Left Retired - Right up to where her bird splash landed. She came back and was ready for the flyer

Middle Flyer - Off the road and up the hill coming into the area but she had a little hunt to locate her bird.


3:32 pm

Right Flyer - Straight to the bird

Left Retired - Made quick work of his mark

Middle Flyer - Left the farm road at the perfect time to cut up the hill and splash through the water and to the bird.

Handle - 60. FC TIGER MTN'S BETTIN' ON BLACK, "Gamble" LM, Mike Taylor

3:27 pm

Right Flyer - One loop just short of the mark. Gamble then got farther right to his bird, coming in with a wing over his eye.

Left Retired - Down into the pond, up and out and straight to the bird.

Middle Flyer - Nice line down the field with one quick turn short. Gambled popped and had to be handled to the bird.

56. FC CHICAGO BLUES STAR, "Scrapper" LM, Ray Voigt

3:21 pm

Right Flyer - Straight to her bird

Left Retired - Down and into the pond, Scrapper got out and went directly to the fall area and the bird.

Middle Flyer - He ran the road that took him right of the blind. One big loop right then back to the left then the right. Scrapper expanded his hunt on the left and worked it out.


3:14 pm

Right Flyer - Sort it out and has his bird.

Left Retired - Entered the water and out in the perfect line to the bird.

Middle Flyer - Very good

Moved to Honor


3:09 pm

Right Flyer - Very good

Left Flyer - Across the pond a little look left and some turns in the cover to come back with her bird.

Middle - Leaving the road at a perfect point, Maddie cut up the hill to her bird.

She has moved to honor.

No Bird - 47. NFC AFC I'M UR SEARCH ENGINE, "Google" LM, Alan Pleasant

Google and Alan came to the line and received a no bird. They will go back and have a rerun.

Series 9 - Test Dogs

Cash & Beate - 2:46 pm

Right Flyer - Good line to the bird.

Left Flyer - A swim and out on the bird.

Middle - To the area of the fall. Cash started a hunt little short. He established a pattern and then located the bird.

Moved to Honor

Jaide & Brent - 2:54 pm

Right Flyer - Good line to the flyer

Left Flyer - Exited the water close to the gunners, she turned and got her bird.

Middle - To the holding blind and turned out to the field to get her bird.

Moved to Honor

9th Series - Water Triple with Two Flyers, Two Retired and an Honor

Test Nine is a water triple with two flyers, two retired and an honor. The mat sits on the right side of a dirt field road facing south. This little road goes straight and then angles to the left as it goes through the test. The terrain is all parched grass and clumps of brush that are all the same color. There is a small pond in front and to the left of the line with an even smaller pond beyond it that is not visible from the line.

Bird One (Middle) is a drake duck flyer. The gunners stand on the road where it starts to bend to the left. They are beside the only green bush in the field. This is a long flyer and is shot to the left landing approximately 197 yards from the line on the open field as it rises away from the pond.

Bird Two (Left Retired) is a dead hen duck. These gunners stand on the far right side of the pond and throw to the left and the bird lands 115 yards from the line. The line to this bird takes the dog across the field and across the right end of the pond to stop for the bird before crossing the next piece of hidden water. The gunners retired into a brush pile at the right corner of the pond.

Bird Three (Right Flyer) is a hen mallard flyer. The guns are positioned to the right of the mat half way up the sloping field. This flyer is shot to the right landing approximately 160 yards from the mat.

This water triple is fairly short and tight. The stand out guns on the right are almost retired when they sit down in the ground cover. This test is taking approximately five minutes per dog/handler team.

There is an honor to the left of the mat.

Series 9 – Water Triple with Two Flyers, Two Retired and an Honor
Bird # 1 – Retired Drake Flyer – 197 yards
Bird # 2 – Retired Hen Duck – 115 yards

Bird # 3 – Flyer Hen Duck – 160 yards
Test 9 sketch by Missy Bell
Test Nine diagram by Rich Pingatore

A Look at the Past

The grounds of the Seventh and Eight Series have seen two prior National Opens and produced the 1979 and 1983 National Champions, FC-AFC McGuffy, owned and handled by Debby and T.J. Lindbloom and handled by T.J. and FC-AFC Trieven Butch of Big Jake, owned by Gloria and Joe Boatright and handled by Joe.

An active competitor in the trial game, Joe was also the co-owner of the magnificent Boatright-Goodrich Ranch in Oakdale, CA, on which no fewer than five National Open Championships have been held as well as numerous weekend trials. Many in our sport have competed on the wonderful grounds at the Ranch over the years.

Debby and T.J. are here at the Eight Series today. They report it was a sentimental journey for them to come to these grounds because this National is the 40th anniversary of their dog McGuffy's National win.

McGuffy was an amazing dog with an impressive record. His story has been told in the "Retrievers of the Past" series published by Retriever News, authored by the News contributing writer Joule Charney. You can read about McGuffy here:

Never one to slow down, T.J. is working this trial as a member of the Thrower's Committee and has been throwing today's long retired bird in the Eight Series.

Callbacks to the 9th Series

18 dogs were called back to the 9th Series. They are... 22, 34, 39, 41, 47, 50, 52, 56, 60, 67, 72, 73, 77, 81, 86, 87, 89 and 96.

20 dogs dropped were: 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 27, 33, 36, 37, 40, 49, 53, 61, 66, 68, 85, 91 and 94.

9th Series First Running Dog #47

Fun Fact - Siblings / Littermates

Another Fun Fact of our Entered dogs while we wait for the move!

Littermate or Full Siblings (*littermate)

NAFC-FC Cody Cut A Lean Grade ex NFC-AFC Candlewood's Something Royal   
*FC AFC Good Idea's Give Them No Excuse
*FC AFC Lock Five's Got Her Blue Genes On

NAFC-FC Texas Troubador ex FC Hardscrabbles Captain Morgan   
*FC AFC Bedazzled II
*FC Gemstone's Skyy Blue

FC-AFC Lanes Lets Get Ready To Rumble ex Hayseed's Little Darlin MH   
FC Truluck's Goin' Jessie
*FC AFC Trumarc's Mavis
*FC Vinwood's Million Dollar Baby
     Side Note: Danny Farmer is the handler of all three dogs

FC-AFC Rev Blu Genes ex FC-AFC Indi Go Girl   
*FC AFC Yours Truly Indigo
*FC AFC Indigo Hello Dolly

FC-AFC-CNAFC-CFC Aces High III ex Mad River's Supernova MH
NAFC FC Kirkwood's Ace Of Lone Star
AFC Short Stack- Double or Nothin'

FC-AFC Creek Robber ex FC-AFC Pattons Blazen Abby   
*FC AFC Creek Robbers Santa Ana Winds
*FC AFC Silver Star's Watch'em Like A Hawk

FC-AFC Wood River's Franchise ex Tiger Mtn's Ghost Rider One   
*FC Tiger Mtn's Bettin' On Black
*FC Tiger Mtn's Pale Rider
     Side Note: Mike Taylor is the handler of both these dogs

FC-AFC Wood River's Franchise ex FC-AFC U.S. First Lady   
*FC AFC Which One's Pink
*FC AFC Wood River's Mr Big
FC Horsetooth's Penalty Shot

It's A Wrap - 8th Series In The Books

It is official...The 8th Series is in the books after dog #87 Petey with handler Alan Pleasant completed their test at 1:19 pm.

We started this series yesterday, Thursday, November 14 at 12:53 pm and called it a day after dog #33 Rusty and Sharon van der Lee finished their test at 4:29 pm. We came back to Anderson this morning with dog #34 Gus and Dave Smith starting us out at 7:14 am.

We started this test with 38 dogs that took 9 hours 27 minutes to run, which took approximately 15 minutes per dog.

We had four gun changes during the duration of this test.

The challenging 8th Series looked like this...

No Bird/Rerun - 2
Handle - 15
Double Handle - 3
Pick Up - 6

We have 13 dogs going into the 9th Series without a handle.

There will be a bit of a break as we are moving back to Corning to start our 9th Series. It is about a 50 minute drive.

We will bring you the callbacks and starting dog information as soon as we get them. Go stretch, get lunch and be ready to come back and see what the judges has in-store for our teams in the 9th!

87. FC AFC BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND, "Petey" LM, Alan Pleasant

Lifetime Pts
Open 43; Amateur Pts: 32; Derby 5

Time: 1:07 pm

Flyer - Very good flyer

Short Retired - Petey got past the bird and was handled back to get it.

Right Retired - Quick recovery of his bird.

Long Retired - Petey arrives wide right but corrects and is over to get his bird.

86. FC MIDWAY'S AVENTADOR, "Jenny" LF, Tim Milligan

Lifetime Pts
Open 22; Amateur Pts: 13.5; Derby 18

Time: 12:56 pm

Flyer - Nice Flyer

Right Retired - Good line - Got It

Short Retired - Really nice line to the island, one turn put her nose on the bird.

Long Retired - Good angle across the field towards the fall area. He hunted up her bird.

Handle - 85. FC AFC RAFT CREEK ROAD GRADER, "Willie" LM, Scott Harp

Lifetime Pts
Open 22.5; Amateur Pts: 18; Derby 10

Time: 12:37 pm

Flyer - Very Good Mark

Short Retired - Nice line to the bird. Stepped into the area and got it.

Right Retired - Significant hunt left of the area. In the water and channeled down to the exit to get the bird.

Long Retired - Hunted left and expanded it to the area short and right. Had to be handled to the bird.


Please enjoy these candid shots from the Lassen Investment Property –
the "penultimate" day of the National Open …

Can you say "stair stepper?" Thank you, Grounds Committee

" H O W D Y !! "


Lifetime Pts
Open 63.5; Amateur Pts: 34.5; Derby 5

Flyer - Nice Mark

Right Retired - Through the two ponds then to the blind. Got left just past the bird but quickly got it.

Long Retired - Rocky went under the arc and made a loop left and right expanding his hunt but returned. Wide left and going deep and deeper right for a large hunt area, he came back for his bird.

Short Retired - Out to the blind then a left and back right onto the island and his bird quickly.


Lifetime Pts
Open 41.5; Amateur Pts: 33.5; Derby 95

Time: 12:07 pm

Flyer -Quick recovery of his bird.

Short Retired -  Good line to the area. Flex had a very tight and deliberate hunt pattern to locate his bird.

Right Retired - Couple of passes before the water than a jump across the water and on the bird.

Long Retired - Nice line to arrive to the area under the arc. He started some loops to locate and came up with the bird.

UPDATE - Traffic Alert - I-5 Closed 8 Miles North of Corning

We are advised that a truck fire has produced a traffic jam affecting both directions of Interstate 5 about 8 miles north of Corning. Traffic on the interstate is stopped at this time and a detour using surface streets has been established.

It looks like it is clearing and the delay is only 5 minutes according to Google Maps.

Another sighting …

As elusive as the Field Trial Fairy can be, please be on the lookout for these beautiful painted rocks. They have been placed here and there on the grounds by a mysterious benefactor and if you happen to find one, it would be a special treasure, indeed.

Let us know if you find one and share it on social media and send a picture to Tina Styan at and we'll put it on the blog.

73. FC VROMAN'S IN THE FILMORE, "Reggie Hammond" LM, Dave Smith

Lifetime Pts
Open 18.5; Amateur Pts: 3

Time:11:54 am

Flyer - Nice Line

Right Retired - Made a wide left loop around the power tower and came back in from the right for the bird.

Short Retired - Direct line to his mark

Long Retired - Came in between the guns and the hen. Reggie turned right, went into the cover and dug out the bird.

A Thank You to Today's Landowners

A Thank You to Today's Landowners

The 7th and 8th Series are being held on the "Lassen Investment Property," an 80-acre property specially developed for retriever training. The Lassen Investment Property was set up by its original owner and avid trialer, Peter Lane, for shared ownership by seven retriever enthusiasts. Peter owned the lumber mill that used to operate next door; the ponds on this property were originally used for storing logs before being repurposed and remodeled as Pete's training ponds. The seven shares have turned over from time to time and are now owned by Dick Ellis (one of the original owners), Jerry Patopea, Diane Morley, Don Graves, Chris Hatch, Steve Cote and Marilyn Dahlheim.

A BIG THANK YOU to these owners for their generous invitation to hold a portion of the 2019 National Open here.

72. FC RMR EBONSTARS MAGIC SH, "Emmy" LF, Clint Avant

Lifetime Pts
Open 51.5; Amateur Pts: 8; Derby 20

Time: 11:39 am

Flyer - Very Good Mark

Right Retired - Out to the area, Emmy went around the edge of the last water structure and on the bird.

Short Retired - Emmy out to the area just a tight circle and on her bird.

Long Retired - Great line out, a bit of a hunt right and then over into the bird.

UPDATE - Traffic Alert - I-5 Closed 8 Miles North of Corning

We are advised that a truck fire has produced a traffic jam affecting both directions of Interstate 5 about 8 miles north of Corning. Traffic on the interstate is stopped at this time and a detour using surface streets has been established.

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