Monday, November 11, 2019

26. FC AFC LIL BIT'S TETE DE CUVEE, "Bubbles" LF, Alan Pleasant

Whelp: 2/6/2012
NAFC-FC Cody Cut A Lean Grade ex NAFC-FC Hardscrabble Roxie McBunn

Came to the line at 7:05 am

Flyer - Out to the fall area and straight to the bird.

Middle Retired - Nice line lunging across the pond. Getting left of the holding blind and getting out onto the flat, Bubbles quickly came back to the fall area for a tight hunt and on her bird.

Right Retired - Through the pond and across the hillside. Coming in left of the bird, Bubbles got deep and hunted to the right and deep of the blind. She worked it out to get her bird.