FC Little Creek's August Moonshine "Gus" LM
Whelp: 8/15/2011
FC-AFC Watuaga's Bull Gator ex CFC Claddagh's Nautical Tyme
Owners: Steve & Peggy Roegiers
Handler: Dave Smith
Breeders: Steve & Peggy Roegiers
Week/Event Qualified 22 - Watopa RC
Previously entered National(s): Open - 2017 & 2018
Lifetime Pts: Open 30.5; Amateur Pts: 11.5; Derby 3
Line: 11:51 am
Right Flyer - Good line to the area. A quick loop and he has his bird!
Left Flyer - Very good mark
Right Retired - Perfect line to the bird and headed back for one more ...
Rooster Flyer - His line to the field carried him along the same line as the last bird, but he carried the line on through. He established a hunt near the flyer gunners and expanded out to get his bird.