Owner: Michael Kammerer
Breeders: Carole Robinson & Mac McIntosh
Full sibling with #8 FC AFC Trumarc's Mavis "Mavis" & *#89 FC Vinwood's Million Dollar Baby "Babe"
Came to the line at 11:17 am
Right Flyer - Jessie took a couple of loops but came up with her long flyer.
Left Middle - Danny gets Jessie locked in on the mark and launches her. She got it in good form.
Right Middle - She arrived in the field to the right of the holding blind. she made a couple of loops right and then she worked her way over to zero in on her bird.
Left Flyer - Jessie's line carried her deep and behind the gunners. Her hunt pattern drifted back down the hill to the center around the holding blind until she took a loop that included her bird.