Tuesday, November 12, 2019

60. FC TIGER MTN'S BETTIN' ON BLACK, "Gamble" LM, Mike Taylor

Owner & Breeder: Choral Greer
Littermate with #7 FC Tiger Mtn's Pale Rider "Ghost"

Came to the line at 11:30 am.

Right Flyer - Gamble had some tight quick turns to get his bird.

Left Middle - He went straight up to the fall area then went to get his bird.

Left Flyer - Gamble went straight up towards the fall area. He looped left then went back right of the blind for some turns to come back out wide left. He worked it out and got his bird.

Right Middle - Going out wide right he arrived right of the blind and continued to get deep and wide right. He came back to the left and got his bird.