Tuesday, November 12, 2019

68. FC AFC BEDAZZLED II, "Be" LF, Danny Farmer

Owners: Yvonne & Charlie Hays
Breeder: Gregory Cross
Littermate with #35 FC Gemstone's Skyy Blue "Skyy"

Came to the line at 12:34 pm

Right Flyer - Be kicked up dust as she scooped up her bird.

Left Flyer - She went out to the right of the blind and circled it. She expanded her hunt pattern a bit wider to the left with each circle and got the bird.

Left Middle - She went up the right side of the field, then turned left and moved over into the cover and got her bird.

Right Middle - Getting very wide right going out, Be curved her way back to the left towards the blind. She had a tight hunt in the area to get her bird.