Tuesday, November 12, 2019

80. AFC SHORT STACK - DOUBLE OR NOTHIN', "Shorty" LM, Delma Hazzard

Owners: Chip McEwen & Delma Hazzard
Breeders: Brandon & Dawni Bromley
Full sibling with #91 NAFC FC Kirkwood's Ace Of Lone Star

Came to the line at 1:56 pm.

Right Flyer - Very Good Mark

Left Middle - Shorty's initial line took him 3/4 the way out before he pulled a hard right. His hunt pattern put him back through the area of the fall where he worked out his bird.

Left Flyer - Shorty arrived in the area under the arc of the flyer. He quickly turned into the scent that came off the bird and worked it out.

Right Middle - He had a nice line to the mark. He took a little peak at the holding blind as he went past to get his bird.