Thursday, November 14, 2019

End Of Day 6 - November 14, 2019

The judges have called it a day at 4:29 pm.

We started the 8th Series at 12:53 with dog #89 and finished the day with dog #33. We had 14 dogs come to the line in 3 hours 22 minutes which is approximately 14.5 minutes per dog.

Here is what has happened this far...

No Bird / Rerun - 3
Handle - 8
Pick Up - 4

We will be back here tomorrow to finish the 8th Series with dog #34 starting at 7:00 am. One test dog will come to the line at 6:45 am.

Everybody have a good night and always remember, a day in the field is better than a day in the office!

Good Night!