Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Handle - 33. FC AFC CNAFC CFC PEKISKO'S IRONMAN, "Rusty" LM, Sharon van der Lee

Owners & Breeders: John & Sharon van der Lee

Rusty came to the line at 7:26 am.

Right Flyer - Nice line to the bird.

Left Middle - Came in under the arc and hunted left to right. Rusty then went wide left away from the bird. Having an extended hunt but he got the bird.

Right Middle - Out past the back of the hen flyer guns, Rusty pushed right of the blind and came around the back of the blind for a hunt. He worked it out and his bird.

Left Flyer - Getting out across the field on a good line, Rusty started right, then got way deep right. He had to be handled to the bird.