Saturday, November 16, 2019

Handle - 56. FC CHICAGO BLUES STAR, "Scrapper" LM, Ray Voigt

FC Chicago Blues Star "Scrapper" LM
Whelp: 4/2/2015
NFC-AFC Windy City's Mighty Mouse QAA ex FC-AFC Texaco's High Tesse
Owner: Kathleen Vignos-Folsom
Handler: Ray Voigt
Breeder: Alex Abraham

Week/Event Qualified 40 - Ozaukee  RC
This is Scrapper's first Nation showing.
Lifetime Pts: Open 10; Amateur Pts: 5.5; Derby 11

Line: 12:36 pm

Right Flyer - Very good!

Left Flyer - An expanding hunt pattern and he was handled to the bird to keep him in the area.

Right Retired - He took a very good line and cam in on the correct side of the guns. He continued to drive and was handled back to the bird.

Rooster Flyer - Scrapper tumbles on his way out, but it does not deter his mark! He recovers and continues up the hill for a short hunt to get his bird.