Saturday, November 16, 2019

Rerun - 67. FC AFC HOLLAND CLIFFS IN HOT PURSUIT, "Chase" LM, Alvin Hatcher

FC-AFC Holland Cliffs In Hot Pursuit "Chase" LM
Whelp: 8/22/2012
NFC-AFC Hunter Runs BooBoo ex Jo's Dusty Southern Breeze
Owner: Alvin Hatcher
HandlerL Alvin Hatcher (Amateur)
Breeder: Diana Burson

Week/Event Qualified 42 -Down East Hunting RC of N. Carolina
Previously entered National(s): Open - 2017; Amateur - 2018 & 2019
Lifetime Pts: Open 39.5; Amateur Pts: 40; Derby 7

Line: 1:17 pm

Right Flyer - Out to the fall area, one big circle and got it!

Left Flyer - Good line holding the hill, hunted the area hard… and he got it!

Right Retired -  Wide right going up the hill, got to the crest and curved left down to the fall area, got his bird on the 2nd pass.

Rooster Flyer - Up to the area and in front of the guns, a quick retrieve!