Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Rerun - 74. FC CFC CAFC SWEETWATER TEN DEUCE ALL IN, "Doyle" LM, Ryan Brasseaux

Owner: Howard Simson & Lise Langlois
Breeder: Ray Smith 

Came to the line at 2:25 pm

Right Flyer - Very Long Bird with four shots - Two loops and he got it.

Left Middle - Doyle went up the middle of the field and went left into the fall area and got his bird.

Left Flyer - Going up the right side of the blind, Doyle cut on left on the far side and hunted the back side. He worked his way left and right, then extended his hunt until he got his bird.

Right Middle - Getting wide right going out, he hunted one loop by the blind then went out to the left. He got way deep but came back in to the cover and with a heavy hunt he worked it out and got his bird.