Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Rerun - 96. FC AFC YOURS TRULY INDIGO, "Tru" LF, Chris Ledford

Owners: Mark & Suzanne Medford
Breeder: Darlene Houlihan
Littermate with #71 FC AFC Indigo Hello Dolly "Dolly"

Tru came to the line at 7:06 am.

Right Flyer - Very long bird - multiple shots - She got it!

Left Middle - Tru went into the cover under the arc, then got behind on the left but quickly worked it out.

Left Flyer -  A great line in front of the blind. A left turn to establish a nice hunt pattern and Tru got her bird.

Right Middle - On a right line out to get in front of the blind, Tru went under the arc of the throw and straight to her bird.