Wednesday, November 13, 2019

18. FC AFC GUNSTOCK'S WIN CHESTER, "Chester" LM, Danny Farmer

Owners: Yvonne & Charlie Hays
Breeder: Robert Stoeberl 

Came to the line at 9:41 am.

Right Flyer - Straight to it.

Left Middle - Chester went up the right side and veered farther right. He took a hard left to the area and came around the blind. A few turns into the cover and he had his bird.

Left Flyer - Half way up the hill, he took a right for a big loop then he went on to the blind. He went around the back side of it, then turned left to go out to his bird.

Right Middle - Chester went up the hill on the right side. He got deep of the blind, took a left turn and got the bird.