Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Rerun -12. FC AFC GOOD IDEA'S GIVE THEM NO EXCUSE, "Marvin" LM, Ken Neil

Owners & Breeders: Ken & Brenda Neil
Littermate with #46 FC AFC Lock Five's Got Her Blue Genes On "Baby"

Came to the line at 9:32 am.

Right Flyer - Good recovery of the bird.

Left Middle - Very nice line to the mark. Marvin made a quick turn at the cover and got his bird.

Right Middle - Just to the right of the holding blind, Marvin made a left turn to head to the far cover. He came out with his bird.

Left Flyer - Marvin arrived at the area under the arc of the fall. He established a hunt that stayed in the area and yielded the bird.