Whelp: 2/1/2013
FC-AFC CJ's Mister T ex Five Star's Turn Me Loose
Owner: James Hurst
Handler: Dave Rorem
Breeder: Alexandra Washburn & Debra Bredeson
Week/Event Qualified 39 - Vikingland RC
Previously entered National(s): Open - 2018 (F); Amateur - 2018 & 2019
Lifetime Pts: Open 40.5; Amateur Pts: 36; Derby 7
Line: 11:30 am
Right Flyer - Lunging through the water and up the hill directly to his bird
Left Flyer - Good line to the area. Brief pass to move him up the hill and to his bird.
Right Retired - Smokie drove the hill and comes in behind the gunners. He turned left and has his bird.
Rooster Flyer - Good movement up the hill, a little loop right of the gunners then left of the gunners and he had his bird.