Saturday, November 16, 2019

Handle - 39. FC AFC KIRKWOOD'S ACE OF A HIGHER GRADE, "Deacon" LM, Casey Adams

FC-AFC Kirkwood's Ace Of A Higher Grade "Deacon" LM
Whelp: 2/16/2016 (youngest dog running in 10th series)
NAFC-FC Cody Cut A Lean Grade ex NAFC-FC Kirkwood's Ace Of Lone
Owner: Casey Adams
Handler: Casey Adams (Amateur)
Breeder: Casey Adams
Deacon's Dam is #91 NAFC FC Kirkwood's Ace Of Lone Star , "Lexie"
Casey Adams was the handler of the 2019 NARC Champion dog Lexie

Week/Event Qualified 9 - San Diego RC
Previously entered National(s):  Amateur - 2019
Lifetime Pts: Open 21.5; Amateur Pts: 8; Derby 31

Came to the line at 11:07 am

Right Flyer - Nice line to a long bird tight hunt and got it.

Left Flyer - Out to the blind then Left up the hill for a few passes, back down for his hen.

Right Retired - Wide Right of the "hairy mound", curved back to the left and quickly got his bird.

Rooster Flyer - Up the hill to be level with the guns, started close but turned out and expanded his hunt on each pass for this very  long rooster. Handler had to help on this extremely long bird.