FC-AFC Back By Popular Demand "Petey" LM
Whelp: 5/27/2011
FC Harley's Super Trieven Mac ex Cape Fear Hopefully Bodacious MH
Owner: Anne Marshall
Handler: Alan Pleasant
Breeder: Doug Turner
Week/Event Qualified 39 - Tidewater RC
Previously entered National(s): Open 2015 & 2016; Amateur - 2019 & 2019
Lifetime Pts: Open 43; Amateur Pts: 32; Derby 5
Line: 10:42 am
Right Flyer - Petey crashed through the water and drove the hill for a tight couple of circles to pin point his bird.
Left Flyer - Into the area at the holding blind and he turned up the hill and got his bird.
Right Retired - Petey entered the area just a tad short. He made a couple of passes left bringing him into the bird.
Rooster Flyer - Entering the area behind the gunners, Petey got beyond the hen. He came back to the area and worked it left but got deep. He continued to work back and fourth slowly expanding his hunt to his bird.