Saturday, November 16, 2019

Double Handle - 96. FC AFC YOURS TRULY INDIGO, "Tru" LF, Chris Ledford

FC-AFC Yours Truly Indigo "Tru" LF
Whelp: 2/25/2014
FC-AFC Rev Blu Genes ex FC-AFC Indi Go Girl
Owners: Mark & Suzanne Medford
Handler: Chris Ledford
Breeder: Darlene Houlihan
Littermate with #71 FC AFC Indigo Hello Dolly "Dolly"

Week/Event Qualified 13 - Montgomery RC
Previously entered National(s): Amateur - 2018 & 2019
Lifetime Pts: Open 32.5; Amateur Pts: 32; Derby 20

Line 10:30 am

Right Flyer - Tru lunged through the water and climbed the hill. Her first pass ws short, the next loop was deeper and she got her bird.

Left Flyer - She went across the field to the gunners blind and climbed to the left and high. She worked her way back closer to the bird and got it.

Rooster Flyer - Getting out to the left of the hay bales, she climbed the hill and got behind the rooster gunners. She worked a wide line left of the guns but was too deep. She got to the right of the guns and almost in to the retired bird. Chris had to handle her back to get the bird.

Right Retired - Tru headed on a great line but was getting a little deep. She got a quick handle to put her on the bird.